This is YOUR Year

Are You Ready to Make the Most of It ?


If you’re reading this I know you’re feeling the energy and the call of these most Sacred of times,
and are one who is ready for the beautiful shift being offered.

After the deep clearing of the past year(s), it's time for more Love, Joy, Peace and Abundance.


Every New Year brings an opportunity to start anew.

To create positive changes in our lives.

And THIS year more than ever as we move into a new level of higher energy on our planet.

January 2019 begins with 2 powerful eclipses,
and some big planetary alignments
that serve to support the powerful reset being offered.


As always, your personal experience of these events will depend very much on your ability to align with the expansive energies presenting ...

 ... so it feels like the perfect time to commit to a simple but powerful daily alignment process to carry us into the new year with ease, grace and joy.

This will be even more important for you if you're sensitive, empathic or feeling unsettled/unclear/anxious about the future.


THIS New Year you won't be just making resolutions, wishing and planning.
You'll be Aligning with your most heartfelt dreams and anchoring into your highest path and calling.


 The Process


Alignment is a "practice" and so we'll be making a commitment to show up for that practice for 21 days ... beginning on New Years Day and culminating on the day of the total lunar eclipse on the 21st.


Your practice will consist of a daily meditation (pre-recorded energy-coded guided meditation journeys are provided) AND a focus on gratitude. You’ll need to allow around 30 minutes a day in total for 21 days - the good news is the benefits are infinite :). The processes are suitable for everyone - no previous experience required.

You’ll receive a daily inspirational email filled with tips, tools, reminders ... and love.


The Power of the Group


Sometimes we forget how GOOD it feels when we are aligned, and it's good to have the reminders and some support. So even though this is a personal practice it can be so much easier to stay the course when you're on the journey with others.  

I know it helps me !!

So as well as your daily emails, you'll have the option be connected with others on the Alignment 2019 journey in our supportive and heart-centred private facebook group. 



When soul group gathers with focus we create a powerful space where we all get uplifted.

Let the magic begin !


This is the third time I've facilitated a 21 Day Alignment Process. 
Here's what previous participants are saying ...


"Feeling so much appreciation and abundance. I am just loving the daily emails."

"Alignment certainly attracts more and more to simply appreciate more and more. I feel truly blessed from this past 21 days, it has all been amazing. So much growth and expansion"

"I felt significant changes with the momentum of the 21 days, and know that how I felt and managed to deal with some of the life situations during that period and after were a direct result of my alignment. Magical and profound."

"I can't give this up. After 21/22 days this has now become my new habit!! I'm so full of gratitude to Julie and everyone who shared this alignment journey."

"I am very excited for Alignment 2019! And can’t wait to get my groove back on... . So very much looking forward to the group connection and commitment as it brings so much to my practice."

Alignment 2019

Are You In ?

Abundance Exchange

Alignment 2019 is Abundantly Affordable at just $33 US (there’s a payment plan too).

You might also like to take advantage of my very special offer to add in a one hour private session (total investment for course and session just $144US). This offer is only available for 5 people (3 remaining).
You'll also receive some powerful bonus meditations. These are waiting for you in our online area.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

I so hope you'll join us and make the most of this unprecedented time on our planet.

Alignment 2019

Let's Do This ...

About Julie Ann

I’m an Intuitive Healer,  Teacher, Divine Energy Channel and Author … and also the creator of the “Seeing 11:11 – A Global Vision” Daily Intention Project" AND the "If You are Looking for a Sign this is IT" communities.

I came to my spiritual path through a high anxiety condition many years ago. This difficult period in my life led me to meditation (thank goodness) and later to the realization that I am an Empath.  

After years of spiritual work this empathic ability now helps me to channel and hold very high frequencies for healing and activation. You'll experience those in the Alignment 2019 meditations.

Part of my Divine Mission is to find and connect with resonant souls like you, as we have agreed to meet and assist each other at this time. We all hold pieces of the puzzle and together are so supremely powerful. 




I'm passionate about sharing the evolving practices and teachings that have helped me on my own journey.,  I also work with the earth energies and have been guided to work with many ancient sites, portals and leylines. My first group Sacred Journey to Peru/Bolivia was in September 2018. France and UK are coming soon.

Please get in touch if you have any questions … and make sure to join my mailing list at

Much love to you

Julie Ann ([email protected])


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