Big Shift
New Mission

A Masterclass Series
with Julie Ann

Join Us 
for this Very Special 3 Part Masterclass Series
Beginning this 12/12

Please Enter Your Details Here to Join the Live Sessions

And/Or Receive the Recordings

Let's Make it Make Sense ...


 We are absolutely not in normal times.


Of course that's pretty clear when we look around us at all the "craziness" in the world.


But What IF things are not getting worse ... but being uncovered.


Toto is literally pulling back the curtain to reveal the Wizard as we Speak.


And What IF ... things are not just being uncovered ...
but so are the very solutions we are looking for.


Many of us feel that something BIG is happening right NOW. 
Maybe we're just not sure how to explain that deep knowing.


 To truly see what is really happening we need to look beyond the world around us and broaden our perception.

Then we can observe that not only are there measurable positive shifts occurring ... 
but we can also sense the beauty of the Divine Energies that are available to us at this time.


Proof that a New World is birthing is all around us.


This New World is also bringing forth a New Version of You. 


So if you've been feeling stuck in the "void" ... the inbetweens ...
you're not alone.

You're getting ready for your next big step.

It's unprecedented ... and exciting.
(yes even if you're tired and "over it").


The curtains are OPENING.


Your New Mission is revealing itself.


There's so much to share ... and experience at this time.
So let's do that together on some power dates ... with this free 3-part Masterclass.


We'll have time to cover a fascinating range of subjects ... experience powerful transformation AND immerse ourselves in the unlimited potentials opening during this "12/12 to Solstice" period.


Here's the Plan


We'll be meeting for 3 transformational sessions in total beginning on this very special 12/12 Portal (11th in the USA/Canada).


Our Second Session on the Magical Divine Feminine Date of Friday the 13th should work well for Europe.


And then a couple of days later we'll integrate it all with the help of the Full Moon in Gemini.


All sessions are well timed for Asia/Australia.


We've spread the Masterclasses across timezones so you'll have an opportunity to join at least one LIVE no matter where you are located (should you so choose to). And of course they are ALL Recorded too.


Each Masterclass will have a different focus so please do set aside the time to watch them all (they'll be available until Christmas).


Masterclass 1
Your Divine Mission
12/12 Portal
Wednesday/Thursday 11th/12th December
9am Singapore (Thurs 12/12)
12noon Melbourne/Sydney (Thurs 12/12)
5pm Pacific (Weds 11th)

Masterclass 2
From the Ancient into the New
Powerful Friday the 13th

Friday 13th December
9am UK
5pm Singapore
8pm Melbourne/Sydney


Masterclass 3
The New Way Forward
Full Moon Integration
Sunday/Monday 15th/16th December
9am Singapore (Monday 16th)
12noon Melbourne/Sydney (Monday 16th)
5pm Pacific (Sunday 15th)




Please Enter Your Details Here to Join the Live Sessions

And/Or Receive the Recordings

About Julie Ann

Julie Ann is an Ascension Guide and Wayshower who has been on the path of teaching Awakening for many decades. As a gridworker she has traveled the World working with the Earth Energies in powerful locations including Peru/Bolivia, Sacred France, UK and Egypt.  

In 2020 Julie founded the New Energy Mastery/Mystery School … and with her team has now graduated 3 cohorts of Gifted Energy Facilitators.