Alignment 2022

with Julie Ann
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Are You Ready to leap into 2022 making the most of the current energy shifts ?

Let's go way beyond New Years' Resolutions and anchor in positive, soul-guided change for 2022

I'm SO glad you're here.
No matter how you've found this information, trust that it's meant for you. You're in the right place at the right time as we enter the long prophesied

"Golden Age".

It's time to connect more consistently with YOUR guidance and follow the calling of your own heart and soul. 

2022 is Calling

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We've all done New Years resolutions before but THIS year is calling forth so much more.
We've just been through one of the hugest shifts we humans will ever experience.
The Earth is pulsing with a new level of energy and the New Solar Cycle is on fire.


Light is flowing like never before.

Our mission now is to step fully in and begin to inhabit this new level of frequency we've created.


Welcome to Alignment 2022.


January is the month we get to play in and manifest with the new energies of the incoming year.
We will all have different experiences of this new energy but our intentional connection is key.


I've run many of these Alignment series over the past four years and this one feels extra special.

It's so very important to Align right now before moving on
(it's kinda like acclimatising to a new higher altitude)


Your personal ALIGNMENT will determine your experience moving forward. 

Your ALIGNMENT will carry you into the flow - so you are riding the waves of change rather than being "knocked over" by them.

Your ALIGNMENT brings a connection with your personal soul path, an opening to your guidance and an increase in your manifesting power.

And your ALIGNMENT can be achieved through a consistent daily practice.
It's the best way I know and it's available to us all. It doesn't have to be complicated, it's simply about creating some new patterns and pathways that connect you with the frequency of your soul.


Alignment is experiential - the incremental benefits have to be felt to be believed - so if you'd love to engage in a simple but powerful daily practice - Alignment 2022 could be just what you've been looking for.

Everything you need is provided - and all it takes is a an internet connection and a minimum commitment of 20-40 minutes per day in your own timing. 
There's support to keep you on track so you'll feel more motivated to keep going for 33 new-habit-forming days (and you'll feel great much quicker than that trust me).

Oh and there are fun prizes along the way too.

Just click below to get started.


Ready for Alignment 2022?

Let's make the most of this month

 The Daily Practice

A daily Alignment Practice is even more important for you if you're sensitive, empathic or feeling unsettled/unclear/anxious about the future.

It's that puzzle piece you've been searching for.


You'll also greatly benefit from Alignment 2022 if you're:

Wanting to set your energy and intentions for 2022

Ready to feel good more often

Tired of the rollercoaster

Wanting a deeper connection with your own guidance

Looking for ways to come into alignment with more ease

Finding that your old ways of coming back into balance don’t work so well any more in these new energies

Feeling Overwhelm

Someone who believes they can’t meditate but knows it would be a really good thing to do …. :)

Wanting to get back into a regular practice

Open to feeling more joy, bliss and lightness

Curious to learn more about energy, law of attraction, the current planetary shift and this Ascension process we are undertaking


Feeling the call to learn more about your purpose, and live with more meaning.


It's time to move out of anxiety and suffering,
align with your most heartfelt dreams
anchor into your highest path and calling.



 The Process


Alignment is a "practice" and so you'll be making a commitment to show up for that practice for 33 days.


Your base practice will consist of a daily meditation (beautiful pre-recorded energy-coded guided meditation journeys are provided) AND a focus on gratitude. You’ll need to allow around 20-40 minutes a day in total for 33 days - the good news is the benefits are infinite :). There are lots of different length meditations to suit your lifestyle and time availability.

The processes are suitable for everyone - no previous experience required.

You’ll also receive a daily inspirational email filled with great information, tips, tools, reminders ... and love.

The emails are sent in real time so everyone receives them at the same moment. Yours will arrive in the morning if you're in Asia or Australia ... or the evening (or overnight) before if you're in Europe, USA or Canada.

We'll be covering topics as diverse as Appreciation, Allowing, Acceptance, Attraction, Abundance ... and Ascension. As well as the energies of the day.

There's access to our private facebook group where we'll keep each other inspired and accountable.


Here's what participants of previous Group Alignment Journeys are saying ...

"Feeling so much appreciation and abundance. I am just loving the daily emails."

"Alignment certainly attracts more and more to simply appreciate more and more. I feel truly blessed from this past 21 days, it has all been amazing. So much growth and expansion"

"I felt significant changes with the momentum of the 21 days, and know that how I felt and managed to deal with some of the life situations during that period and after were a direct result of my alignment. Magical and profound."

"I can't give this up. After 21/22 days this has now become my new habit!! I'm so full of gratitude to Julie and everyone who shared this alignment journey."

"The gentle power of Julie Ann’s voice has guided me through these daily meditations so that when I am finished, I can start my day with joy, compassion and gratitude..."

"I am very excited ... and can’t wait to get my groove back on... . So very much looking forward to the group connection and commitment as it brings so much to my practice."

"I highly recommend Julie Ann’s courses and meditations for those who seek to improve or find their spiritual fullness. She is a compassionate spiritual leader and in my opinion a true messenger of Divine Love and Light."


The Power of the Group


Sometimes we forget how GOOD it feels when we are aligned, and it's good to have the reminders and some support. So even though this is a personal practice it can be so much easier to stay the course when you're on the journey with others. 

I know it helps me !!

So as well as your daily emails, you'll have the option be connected with others on the Alignment journey in our supportive and heart-centred private facebook group and on our recorded group call.

There's also an accountability process where you can keep track of your progress and be cheered on by the group and me. There are some fun prizes too :)

We're there and ready for you now ... what are you waiting for ?


The Group Call

 Included in Alignment 2022 is a group video call on a Magical Master Number Date. The call will be recorded and stored in your online area.

Call Details:
Tuesday 11th January 
(11/1/22 or 1/11/22)
10am Singapore
1pm Melbourne/Sydney
6pm Pacific (10th)


When soul group gathers with focus we create a powerful space where we all get uplifted.

Let the magic begin !



Alignment 2022

Are You In ?

Abundance Exchange

Alignment 2021 is Abundantly Affordable. The energy exchange is just $44 US.

You'll also receive membership to The Alignment Portal for January. The Alignment Portal is where you'll find a treasure trove of meditations and processes. Oh and the price includes lifetime access to the automated Abundant Alignment Process (a great way to keep your practice going).

You might also like to take advantage of my very special offer to add in a one hour online private session (total investment for course and session just $155US). This offer is only available for the first 5 people.
Your meditations are waiting for you now in our online area - why not get started today ?

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

I so hope you'll join us and make the most of this unprecedented time on our planet.

Alignment 2022

I'm Ready for more Joy, Love, Peace and Abundance

About Julie Ann

I’m an Intuitive Healer, Teacher, Divine Energy Channel and Author … and also the creator of the  "If You are Looking for a Sign this is IT" and the “Seeing 11:11 – A Global Vision” Daily Intention Project" communities.

I came to my spiritual path through a high anxiety condition many years ago. This difficult period in my life led me to meditation (thank goodness) and later to the realization that I am an Empath.  

After years of spiritual work this empathic ability now helps me to channel and hold very high frequencies for healing and activation. You'll experience those in the provided Alignment meditations.

I believe a daily practice of connection is so very important (and the best way to thrive in these changing times), so I am thrilled to offer this simple but powerful Alignment process to you.

I'm passionate about sharing the evolving practices and teachings that have helped me on my own journey. 


You might also be interested in working with me 1:1. Among other things I offer coaching packages for healers, teachers, lightworkers and empaths.

I also work with the earth energies and have been guided to work with many ancient sites, portals and leylines. This photo is from a group Sacred Journey to Peru/Bolivia. France (Magdalene Lineage) and UK are coming soon.

Please get in touch if you have any questions … and make sure to join my mailing list at

Much love to you

Julie Ann ([email protected])


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