I’m so glad you’re here and I do believe we were destined to meet.
If you’ve “landed” here you’re no doubt on a journey of awakening and self discovery. You have a sense that you’re here on the planet at this time for a very special reason.
And you’re ready to find out what that is.
I want you to know that you’re right. You’ve come to do something amazing and THIS is the moment to take that next step.
The world needs you to remember who you are … and why you came ....
I’ve been on my own search for meaning for quite some time, but I would say my first big wake up call came when I was overwhelmed by a high anxiety condition around 20 years ago.
This difficult period in my life led me to meditation (thank goodness) and later to the realization that I am what is known as an Empath (ie someone who is sensitive to energy). Perhaps you are too ?
I now know that this sensitivity is my greatest gift as it brings with it profound intuitive and healing abilities (and more).
In fact one of my callings is to help empaths utilise their gifts to the highest potential, because actually they are here on the planet now for a very specific reason. If you resonate with this information you might like to listen to this free call I recorded a while ago for my "Turning it Around" Series.
Around fifteen years ago I began to get a REAL sense of why I am here and what my work is as this great shift of consciousness plays out. And here we are at the turning point !
Part of my mission is to find and connect with people like You who have great work to do at this time (you may have felt some goosebumps at reading this … a little confimation ?).
I’m blessed to be divinely guided on my path and my greatest wish is for you to have access to your own guidance and knowledge of your own purpose. As well as the tools to bring that mission into being.
The focus my work is to share tools and methods that I KNOW work because of personal experience. I am passionate about sharing the practices and teachings that have helped me on my own journey, and I offer sessions and workshops for those who are ready to shift into mastery over their own lives, as well as 1:1 coaching and group programs for those who know they are here to teach and lead others in this new energy world. My latest offering (newly hatched) is a 21 Day 1:1 process called Embodied Alchemy.
I also work with the earth energies and have been guided to work with many ancient sites, portals and leylines. I recently led a Sacred Journey to Peru and more trips with me to Peru, France, UK and Uluru are coming soon.
If you’d like to know more about my background … my formal “BIO” is below.
It’s truly wonderful to meet you … please do reach out and connect if you feel resonance with any of my offerings. I am very active on social media and love to interact there too.
Julie Ann xo
Julie Ann is an Author, Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Mentor and Teacher, and the creator of the “Seeing 11:11 – A Global Vision” Daily Intention Project.
She is the creator of some thriving online communities and would love you to join her new Alignment Portal. She regularly teaches online classes and leads special meditation events on key dates.
As well as her online work, Julie has facilitated many workshops across Asia and in Australia. She specializes in classes and mentoring for those on the awakening path … Teachers, Healers and Lightworkers … especially those who have the gift of sensitivity or are “empathic”. Julie’s sessions are designed to help turn that sensitivity into a superpower.
Her coaching packages, mentoring groups and sessions are also for those who are ready to step out and take their gifts to the world in a bigger way.
Julie is also thrilled to be a collaborator in the international bestseller “Embraced by the Divine”. In this book she discusses her own personal journey transcending a high anxiety condition, one that eventually led her to embrace her own gift of sensitivity.
Based in Singapore, Julie is originally from Melbourne, Australia. In her ”previous life” she was a Computer Scientist and has a Masters Degree in Artificial Intelligence from RMIT University (where she also lectured part time). Julie worked at several large organisations including banks and a Big 6 consultancy and was one of the first to bring AI into those organisations.
Julie Ann is certified in several energy healing modalities including Jin Shin Jyutsu, EFT (tapping), and Pineal Activation (through Steve Rother of www.espavo.org). She is a long term graduate of the "Awakening your Lightbody" program at www.orindaben.com. She is also an experienced teacher of spiritual Law of Attraction principles.
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