
I'd love to work with you - let's see how :)

The basis of all I offer comes from the belief that when You ALIGN with who you truly are ... Miracles happen.

Healing occurs, Guidance Flows, Opportunities open up, Your Path unfolds ... and you remember how magnificent you are and why you are here.

At this pivotal time on the planet, I know my work is to find and connect with special souls like you who are here to make a difference (and YAY here you are). 

So my greatest joy (and my own personal mission) is to offer you tools and support to lead you towards your personal alignment and to help you connect with your own unique guidance. Through these often challenging times of change, that Alignment is not only possible, it's a greatly needed stabilising force and a great gift to all those around you as well as yourself.

Alignment brings inner peace, trust, faith, confidence and knowing. It's the key to shifting into these higher frequencies with ease. 


So where to begin ?


First of all do be sure to join my Mailing List so you'll receive my regular updates and announcements. 

Next ... why not register for the free meditation series being offered by me and my amazing Meditation Facilitator Graduates/Students. If you register here (follow the instructions to create an account) you'll find a treasure trove of free meditations waiting for you AND you'll be first to hear about our next LIVE sessions. I'll tell you more about this Meditation Facilitator training program below.

Then a very easy entry option into my work is the much loved 21-day Abundant Alignment program. It's a great way to get a personal practice going and experience a range of meditations and processes. You'll feel so good after this ... I promise !!

If you're feeling called to connect more regularly I facilitate a beautiful Inner Light Circle group that meets approx twice monthly  (at least once in each timezone). If you'd like more information please email me and we'll have a chat to see if this is a good fit for you. This group typically calls in women who are healers/teachers or know they are here for a greater purpose. If you get goosebumps reading this it just might be for you :)

And if you'd like to dive deeper, I am also here to help you step into YOUR mission.

There are a few options ...

Embodied Alchemy

For a One to One intensive month with me where you'll find out so much more about who you are as a soul ... I highly recommend the Embodied Alchemy process. We'll meet for 5 sessions a week apart with lots of contact between the meetings. This is so much more than a journey of remembrance ... it's an alchemical process that will bring about profound alignment with your path and purpose. 

New Energy Coaching

If you are ready to combine the spiritual with the practical ... my New Energy coaching packages are geared for lightworkers, healers, authors and teachers who are ready to take the next step with their soul-led work. It's time ! I have limited openings for these so do let me know if you'd like to be informed of availability.

New Energy Meditation Facilitator Certification

And ... I'm about to offer the THIRD round of Certification for New Energy Meditation Facilitators. This course is a profound mix of practical skills ... with a back end modern mystery school. You'll learn to bring/channel through the energy of who you truly are ... no matter where you are called to serve.

Take a look at what's on offer and please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions. I truly look forward to hearing from you and discovering if we are a good fit to work together as soul resonance is key for me (and hopefully is for you too).

Julie Ann


PS don't forget I'm very active in my facebook communities so come say hello at If You're Looking for a Sign this is It or Seeing 11:11 - A Global Vision.



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