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Meditation Facilitator Certification 2025 Intake

New Energy Meditation Facilitator (NEMF)

We've just graduated our THIRD Cohort of amazing Meditation Facilitators
through our Mastery/Mystery School Immersion



The Certification Program

This Certification Program is offered by me and my wonderful team via our New Energy Mastery School.

You’ll leave with a practical certification that will serve you well as a:

Guided Meditation Leader
Holistic Teacher
Healing Practitioner
Group/Meeting Leader
Team Facilitator

You’ll gain skills and confidence as you bring through and share your gifts in a supportive and safe environment.

The New Energy Mastery School provides a bridge for those wayshowers wanting to bring New Energy (5th Dimensional) work into the world. 

And this training is a Most Unique Offering designed for these changing times.

An Intimately Sized Cohort where you'll receive the attention...

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Alignment 11:11

This coming November is certainly "next level" in terms of the Energies, Astrology, Numerology ... and World Events.

The "11" month is ushering in a time of prophecy and a New Earth Cycle as transformational Pluto shifts into (the age of) AQUARIUS for the coming decades.

It's all about NEW Beginnings ... so let's harness that momentum and Align with the rapidly Ascending Timeline.

The cosmic events we've already moved through in 2024 have set the scene for this potent 11:11 Gateway Month.

Are you ready to make the most of it ?

A couple of times a year (as you may know) I run a live version of my proven Alignment process. What's different about this process is that you'll learn a lot about what is really happening on our ascending planet right now ... as you experience beautiful shifts and powerful AHAs in your own life.


If you've been wanting to start, restart or uplevel
a daily alignment/meditation/manifestation practice
that is designed for these changing...

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2 Moons, a Comet and an Eclipse

Okay .... here we GO.

This is the Eclipse season that keeps on giving ... and THIS is a very powerful time.

Right now ... we're in the window between two Eclipses. The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces happened a couple of weeks ago and now we're heading into the Libran "Ring of Fire" Solar Eclipse on October 2nd/3rd.

To add to the transformational energy ... the Equinox occurred right between the two Eclipses ... making this a very unique and special portal indeed.

And we are still IN it.

I'll be speaking more about the Eclipse in a day or so but right NOW we have even more exciting events occurring. Can you believe it ?

At this point I'm sure you can :)

You may have heard that we have just welcomed a "second moon" into our lives. 

Yep Asteroid PT5 is has just hit our atmosphere ... bringing in some potent cosmic energy.

You may be even be feeling a shift as we welcome this new being/consciousness into our world for the next 60 or so days.

In some good news ... there are...

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Living Light - Lemuria


We are the Ones we have been Waiting For


This is the Time we have been Waiting For


It's TIME to reconnect with your Ancient Roots while learning some Practical Tools for this time.

If you're ready for the next step/leap of your spiritual journey

If you feel a deep connection with our Motherland Lemuria

If you'd like to ride these waves of change with some leading edge tools

If you're open to calling in some beautiful Manifestations


This series is for you.


Living Light - Lemuria brings together what I feel are two of the most important teachings for this time.


An awareness of your lightbody
(and how to work with it in these energies).


Knowledge/Remembrance of Ancient Lemuria ...
that we can carry into the future.


Let's talk about your Lightbody first.

Lightbody Awareness

I truly believe when we're ready to take your next step on the Ascension/Spiritual path ... connection to our lightbody/merkabah is key ... it's...

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August Alignment 888

We're about to enter the magical "8" month of August ... as we head into the 888 Lion's Gate Peak.

The Lion’s Gate opened on July 26th and because 2024 is an ‘8’ year the 8/8 peak becomes a powerful and auspicious 888 portal.

Every year this Lion’s Gate period offers an opportunity to spiral up spiritually ... and this year it's "on steroids".

The cosmic events we've already moved through in 2024 have set the scene for this potent 888 manifesting opportunity.

Are you ready to make the most of this super special month ?

A couple of times a year (as you may know) I run a live version of my proven Alignment process. What's different about this process is that you'll learn a lot about what is really happening on our ascending planet right now ... as you experience beautiful shifts and powerful AHAs in your own life.

A wonderful way to begin, resume or enhance your daily practice,

and discover more about the time we are in.

ALL done...

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The Day Out of Time and Lion's Gate Events

The Lion's Gate is about to OPEN and this year it peaks on a very special 888 Portal Date.

The Gate opens on July 26th as we also celebrate the Galactic/Mayan New Year.

The day before that (July 25th) ... which feels extra potent this year ... is the mystical "Day out of Time".

The Galactic year has 13 "28 Day Months" with a day left over at the end.

This "Day Out of Time" is an otherwordly portal for celebration reflection and integration. And for seeding the next year.

This year we complete not just a year ... but cycles within cycles. And begin a whole new Octave of creation.

To celebrate these portals I'm co-facilitating two very special events with two incredible Sound Goddesses. In such intensely energetic times it's so beneficial to be with a resonant group ... you are helping yourself while supporting the collective as we expand the light.


The Day Out of Time

and the

888 Lion's Gate Events

Please do join us for these TWO very special events.

If you'd...

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And Now for the BIG Conjunction

Well here we go.

The second of the epic events of April 2024 is now occurring in our skies.

Following on from the Great Solar Eclipse we are now entering the influential sphere of another BIG alignment. This one you may not have heard as much about but in many ways it's even more significant than the Eclipse.


Jupiter and Uranus
are NOW
beginning their consciousness-expanding conjunction
in Taurus ...
with the peak moment happening over the weekend.


The Sun will soon move into Taurus too and we'll have all the elements for this moment Astrologers have long been waiting for.

How exciting to be experiencing it at last.

This is a QUANTUM event.

And a positive one !!!!!!!!!

Because of the influence of the great Awakener Uranus ... we can expect sudden shifts of consciousness which bring about new levels of understanding and remembrance.

That's pretty hard for our left brain to comprehend though so let's take a look at some "facts" and connections to help explain what we could...

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The Amazing Solar Eclipse ... Lots of Information for YOU !!

Not long now till the BIG moment ... the total Solar Eclipse in Aries that is causing such a stir worldwide.


As Hare in the Moon Astrology says this is:

"One for the Memory Books….
an Eclipse on Steroids"


That's for many reasons that we'll unpack below.

I've done my best to put together some of the highlights of this amazing cosmic event for you.

So Dive in and Enjoy ....

Now gosh ... where to BEGIN ???

The Grand "American" Solar Eclipse

Of course we experience several (4 or 5) eclipses every year but THIS one is truly catching the attention of the spiritual community, the public ... and the scientists.

A TOTAL Solar Eclipse that spans Mexico, USA and Canada (and moves through the US and Canadian capitals too).

This New Moon eclipse is in fiery Aries ... aligned with humanity's North Node of Destiny. Aries is the leader of the zodiac ... holding the vibration of "I AM".

This means we are being called to step into personal Sovereignty at this time.

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April Alignment - What a Month

Here comes April 2024.

The month so many Astrologers have been waiting for ... and we're already feeling the WHY.

2024 is a magical "8" year that brings some long awaited planetary alignments.

And April is the month the brings the Great American Solar Eclipse, an amazing Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction, a COMET ... the likelihood of massive Solar Influxes ... and a Mercury Retrograde.

Reset Upon Reset.

Quantum Leaps, Consciousness Shifts ...

SO MUCH POTENTIAL is literally in the AIR.

A couple of times a year (as you may know) I run a live version of my proven Alignment process. What's different about this process is that you'll learn a lot about what is really happening on our ascending planet right now ... as you experience beautiful shifts and powerful AHAs in your own life.

You'll feel so supported and SO GOOD.

So ... you're invited to join me and an amazing group of resonant souls for April Alignment.

Oooh there's so much to share but we have the whole month...

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EQUINOX !! - And it's just the Beginning ...

It's Equinox Day (hooray) ... and in just a few hours from now we'll be experiencing the peak "zero point" all over the planet ... TOGETHER.

Every year this is an exciting time of new beginnings as the March Equinox brings in the Astrological New Year at 00 Degrees of Aries (the first Zodiac sign) ... and "as one" in unity the whole globe experiences a balance of equal light and dark.

The Sacred Equinoxes have long pointed the way for the ancients to chart the passing of the "ages" as the "Precession of the Equinoxes" moves through each constellation for around 2000 years. Right now we are shifting between Pisces and Aquarius ... slowly but surely entering the long prophesied Aquarian Age.

Equinoxes also bring powerful zero points of stillness and harmony ... and the opportunity to birth new creations.

This year is even more potent as the Equinox is happening in this "11 gateway" month of March 2024 (3+2+0+2+4=11).

And that's just the beginning of the...

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