The 444 Code


Many are going through challenging times, so here’s an opportunity to focus on the positives and connect with the BIG picture and the new level of energy that is flowing at this time.

In this 2020 year the 4th of April is a rare 444 Date.

4 Day
4 Month
4 Year (2+0+2+0=4)


There are also some powerful planetary alignments at play.

If you'd like to learn more about what is happening, and make the most of this unprecedented moment in time please join Julie Ann for this LIVE Online Event.

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Why is 444 so Special ?


444 is a code that is often associated with the Angelic Realm (maybe you even “see” this sequence on clocks or number plates).

At this time on the planet, in this "4" year, it is also about the emergence of the “human angels”. That’s you and me.

We are the ones who are here to hold the light, the peace and the balance at this time of great change.

Add to that the Pluto-Jupiter Conjunction happening on 4/4 (USA time). There are some huge global meditations happening for that alignment. We’ll be meeting a few hours earlier, preparing for, and tuning into, those as well.

In addition to gathering to anchor the energies and bring more balance to our own lives, we’ll be talking about the earth cycles, the numerology, the 2020 timeline, the shift of consciousness, the rising frequencies, the ascension energies and what is really happening on the planet right now.

We’ll experience some simple but leading-edge tools to use daily and there will be lots of time for questions and interaction.

You’ll leave feeling empowered, positive and with a faith in our collective energy to create change.


We're gathering ONLINE via ZOOM video
on Saturday 4th April at 3.30pm Singapore time.

That's 6.30pm in Melbourne and Sydney
8.30pm in New Zealand
8.30am in the United Kingdom


We'll be together for around 90 minutes and doing our main "anchoring" meditation to peak at 4.44pm Singapore time (44 mins past the hour wherever you are located).

If you can’t be there LIVE there will be a recording.  You’ll need to register to receive this.

Save Your Space

The energy exchange for this event (includes the video recording) is $33 USD.

As a bonus you'll also receive my 21 Day Abundant Alignment Process (valued at $33 USD).

Sign Up Here

Any Other Questions ?

Don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

And if you're feeling the call to join you can click the button below:

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