2 Moons, a Comet and an Eclipse
Okay .... here we GO.
This is the Eclipse season that keeps on giving ... and THIS is a very powerful time.
Right now ... we're in the window between two Eclipses. The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces happened a couple of weeks ago and now we're heading into the Libran "Ring of Fire" Solar Eclipse on October 2nd/3rd.
To add to the transformational energy ... the Equinox occurred right between the two Eclipses ... making this a very unique and special portal indeed.
And we are still IN it.
I'll be speaking more about the Eclipse in a day or so but right NOW we have even more exciting events occurring. Can you believe it ?
At this point I'm sure you can :)
You may have heard that we have just welcomed a "second moon" into our lives.
Yep Asteroid PT5 is has just hit our atmosphere ... bringing in some potent cosmic energy.
You may be even be feeling a shift as we welcome this new being/consciousness into our world for the next 60 or so days.
In some good news ... there are a couple of very auspicious signs associated with this baby sister "moon".
First of all ... according to some sources it's 33 feet in diameter (powerful master number) ... and secondly ... it's forming a "lucky" horseshoe shape as it orbits.
All good to know ... don't you think ?

As the arrival of a celestial body into our world can create some energetic shifts for those who are sensitive to the cosmic field ... I did some research via wiki (you're welcome) and found that the exact time of "entry" was 7.54pm UTC. I believe this is:
12.54pm Pacific (29th)
8.54pm UK (29th)
3.54am Singapore (30th)
5.54am Melbourne/Sydney (30th)
PT5 exits our domain on November 25th ... pretty soon after Pluto shifts back into AQUARIUS on the 19th for the next 20 years.
Somehow it all feels connected.
But that's not all.
Comet ATLAS is also now in our atmosphere bringing some powerful codes to our sphere. It last visited 80,000 years ago so this is a pretty spectacular and rare occurrence.
ATLAS will come closest to earth on October 12th ... and I'll share more about it in the coming weeks. Meanwhile you might enjoy this fascinating article.
All of this and a Solar Eclipse too ... Oh My !!
How amazing that so much is beginning IN the Eclipse window itself.
As I said ... I'll share more about the Eclipse in the next day or so ... but all of these elements (each powerful in their own right) seem to be forming a potent cosmic cocktail.
Signs of a New Age arriving ... a time of prophecy unfolding.
Yes it's huge ... and if you'd like a meditation to work with right now here's:
Your Next Step - Into the New
It feels right for these times :)
Obviously we have a big week ahead so I'll be in touch with more info soon.
Meanwhile ... do take a moment to tune into the cosmos when you receive this message ... it does all feel a bit exciting :)
With Much Love,
Julie Ann
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