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2 Moons, a Comet and an Eclipse

Okay .... here we GO.

This is the Eclipse season that keeps on giving ... and THIS is a very powerful time.

Right now ... we're in the window between two Eclipses. The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces happened a couple of weeks ago and now we're heading into the Libran "Ring of Fire" Solar Eclipse on October 2nd/3rd.

To add to the transformational energy ... the Equinox occurred right between the two Eclipses ... making this a very unique and special portal indeed.

And we are still IN it.

I'll be speaking more about the Eclipse in a day or so but right NOW we have even more exciting events occurring. Can you believe it ?

At this point I'm sure you can :)

You may have heard that we have just welcomed a "second moon" into our lives. 

Yep Asteroid PT5 is has just hit our atmosphere ... bringing in some potent cosmic energy.

You may be even be feeling a shift as we welcome this new being/consciousness into our world for the next 60 or so days.

In some good news ... there are...

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The Amazing Solar Eclipse ... Lots of Information for YOU !!

Not long now till the BIG moment ... the total Solar Eclipse in Aries that is causing such a stir worldwide.


As Hare in the Moon Astrology says this is:

"One for the Memory Books….
an Eclipse on Steroids"


That's for many reasons that we'll unpack below.

I've done my best to put together some of the highlights of this amazing cosmic event for you.

So Dive in and Enjoy ....

Now gosh ... where to BEGIN ???

The Grand "American" Solar Eclipse

Of course we experience several (4 or 5) eclipses every year but THIS one is truly catching the attention of the spiritual community, the public ... and the scientists.

A TOTAL Solar Eclipse that spans Mexico, USA and Canada (and moves through the US and Canadian capitals too).

This New Moon eclipse is in fiery Aries ... aligned with humanity's North Node of Destiny. Aries is the leader of the zodiac ... holding the vibration of "I AM".

This means we are being called to step into personal Sovereignty at this time.

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April Alignment - What a Month

Here comes April 2024.

The month so many Astrologers have been waiting for ... and we're already feeling the WHY.

2024 is a magical "8" year that brings some long awaited planetary alignments.

And April is the month the brings the Great American Solar Eclipse, an amazing Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction, a COMET ... the likelihood of massive Solar Influxes ... and a Mercury Retrograde.

Reset Upon Reset.

Quantum Leaps, Consciousness Shifts ...

SO MUCH POTENTIAL is literally in the AIR.

A couple of times a year (as you may know) I run a live version of my proven Alignment process. What's different about this process is that you'll learn a lot about what is really happening on our ascending planet right now ... as you experience beautiful shifts and powerful AHAs in your own life.

You'll feel so supported and SO GOOD.

So ... you're invited to join me and an amazing group of resonant souls for April Alignment.

Oooh there's so much to share but we have the whole month...

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10/10 Expansion with Julie Ann and Rie

Please join me and Rie Komiya for this very special 90 minute session – only offered online.

It’s such an exciting time on our planet with the ever expanding energies and new potentials.

The end of 2023 promises to be magical as we anchor more and more light and new creations.

As we move into October we activate the energy of co-creative new beginnings.

10 is a beautiful number that begins a new cycle (1+0=1) but this time we bring all the wisdom of the last cycle with us as we spiral upward in our evolution. The 0 brings in the energy of Source … the Zero Point of all creation.

10/10 is therefore a powerful manifesting portal and this year more than ever as it leads into a transformational Solar Eclipse on the 14th.

As we can feel … powerful frequencies are building every day now … let’s make the most of them.

We have the opportunity to create Quantum change in our own lives … while we work together to manifest...

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The Divine Eclipse Online Retreat

Please join me and the amazing Rie Komiya for this very special mini-retreat – only offered online.

You have no doubt been feeling the new level of light flowing to our planet of the past couple of weeks. The Sun has been extremely active and we are often integrating many Solar Flares in a single day.

It’s getting more and more important to take the precious time to allow your body to acclimatise to these new higher frequencies.

We’re also building up to a New Moon Solar Eclipse on April 30th … a Powerful time for Renewal and Rebirth.

This partial retreat most likely won't be visible in your region... but in any case we have been guided to gather BEFORE the Eclipse for this very special mini-retreat.

We’ll be in the potent energies of the “dark moon” … the ultimate time to plant seeds for the future … and given the power of THIS New Moon you’ll want to make the most of it.

About the...

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Alignment 11:11 2021 - A Powerful Daily Practice

I'm so excited to be offering a LIVE Alignment Journey beginning on 11/11.

If you haven't done an Alignment Journey wth me before ... it's a great way to get/keep a daily practice going. If you have done one I'd love to welcome you back.

There's never been a more important time to ALIGN as we anticipate new and higher frequencies in the coming days as well as:

 the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
11 Master Days
a Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
3/3 Gateways
and more

You'll receive a daily email and access to a range of high vibe meditations and tools. There's also accountability support (and even prizes) in our Alignment Portal facebook group if you choose to join.


Alignment 11:11 2021 is a LIVE journey which means I am sending the emails out daily to everyone at the same time. It will be worth signing up even for these updates alone as you'll get energy intel as we go.

But there's more.

You'll also get free access to our 11/11 Gateway Event recording (already...

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The Eclipse and Solstice

Hello dear one,

how are you feeling as we shift deeper into the powerful passageway that "opened" on 12/12 ?

Each day now will be helping to build the frequencies as we head towards the life-changing Solstice on the 21st.

Today's gift for us is the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius.

What a wonderful opportunity to release the old and seed the new in this high energy portal.

A Solar Eclipse is like a super magnified New Moon - a chance for a huuuuge reset.

It can feel intense as the energies build towards the peak, so if stuff has been coming up for you - you're not alone. It's what Eclipses do ...


"It’s possible, since eclipses bring to light what has been hidden, that you see a different perspective on a situation where you formerly were not able to see the whole picture.

Open your heart and mind to a new view that is beneficial and benevolent."

Tania Gabrielle


Just remember this IS a golden opportunity to create in these rarified energies. As Cassady...

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The time is nearly here - a time when Ancient Prophecy comes to life and the Stars (literally) Align*

Here comes the 2020 December 21st Solstice.

What a powerful opportunity for US to gather and add our energy to this transformational moment in history.

As the Solstice peaks we have the opportunity to receive and anchor an incredible and unprecedented amount of light.

So if you are feeling the call to be with a soul connected, aligned and resonant group for this once-in-lifetimes event you are so welcome to join us.

We're meeting via zoom at 8pm Melbourne/Sydney, 5pm Singapore, 9am London on the 21st December. More on this below.

I’ll be anchoring from here in Australia, and am so excited to connect with you all as we help radiate the energies all around the planet.

For the first hour we'll be learning about, and preparing for the main global ceremony (focused at Uluru, Central Australia) and making sure we are aligned and ready as a...

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