Events, Updates and Articles
We've now graduated TWO Cohorts of amazing Meditation Facilitators
through our Mastery/Mystery School Immersion
And we're opening for our 2024 intakes !!!
This Certification Program is offered by me and my wonderful team via our New Energy Mastery School.
You’ll leave with a practical certification that will serve you well as a:
Guided Meditation Leader
Holistic Teacher
Healing Practitioner
Group/Meeting Leader
Team Facilitator
You’ll gain skills and confidence as you bring through and share your gifts in a supportive and safe environment.
The New Energy Mastery School provides a bridge for those wayshowers wanting to bring New Energy (5th Dimensional) work into the world.
And this training is a Most Unique Offering designed for these changing times.
At the front end...
I'm so excited to be offering another LIVE Alignment Journey - this one begins on January 1st 2023 !!!
We all sense a huge change on the horizon ... let's flow into this life-changing New Year with ease, intention ... and ALIGNMENT.
If you haven't done an Alignment Journey wth me before ... it's a great way to get/keep a daily practice going. If you have done one I'd love to welcome you back.
It's also a place to learn more about Ascension and the current energies while experiencing the shifts in real-time.
You'll receive a daily email and access to a range of high vibe meditations and tools. There's also accountability support (and even prizes) in our Alignment Portal facebook group if you choose to join.
There's never been a more important time to ALIGN as we anticipate new and higher frequencies in the coming days as well as:
New Years' Day
11 Master Days
The Full Moon in Gemini
Mercury Retrograde
The Lunar New Year of the Rabbit
All Planets Turning Direct !!!!
What a time we are in.
No doubt you are feeling it too ... huge shifts are playing out on our planet on all levels as we head into this pivotal Solstice.
In recent years the Solstices have brought massive transformation, as on this Sacred Day of ceremony and light so many around the planet gather with intention.
The Solstice is the moment when the "sun stands still" as it prepares for the change of seasons.
A time of maximum light in one hemisphere.
As we know, the ancients from all over the globe honored this day as evidenced by the positioning and building of Sacred Sites and Monuments.
More recently the December Solstices have come into our awareness due to some much heralded events.
TEN YEARS AGO (on the Solstice in 2012) a great shift occurred as the potential energies for a new Golden Age arrived. Remember this event was widely reported due to the Mayan Calendar which famously ended on this day. The end of a major earth cycle and the beginning of a new one ...
Over the past...
Please join me and Rie Komiya for this very special 90 minute session – only offered online.
It’s such an exciting time on our planet with the ever expanding energies and new potentials.
The end of 2022 promises to be magical as we anchor more and more light and new creations.
As we move into October we activate the energy of co-creative new beginnings.
10 is a beautiful number that begins a new cycle (1+0=1) but this time we bring all the wisdom of the last cycle with us as we spiral upward in our evolution. The 0 brings in the energy of Source … the Zero Point of all creation.
10/10 is therefore a powerful manifesting portal and this year more than ever. This year it coincides with a Full Moon in Aries too … super potent.
As we can feel … powerful frequencies are building every day now … let’s make the most of them.
We have the opportunity to create Quantum change in our own lives … while we work...
Please join me and the amazing Rie Komiya for this very special mini-retreat – only offered online.
You have no doubt been feeling the new level of light flowing to our planet of the past couple of weeks. The Sun has been extremely active and we are often integrating many Solar Flares in a single day.
It’s getting more and more important to take the precious time to allow your body to acclimatise to these new higher frequencies.
We’re also building up to a New Moon Solar Eclipse on April 30th … a Powerful time for Renewal and Rebirth.
This partial retreat most likely won't be visible in your region... but in any case we have been guided to gather BEFORE the Eclipse for this very special mini-retreat.
We’ll be in the potent energies of the “dark moon” … the ultimate time to plant seeds for the future … and given the power of THIS New Moon you’ll want to make the most of it.
About the...
Please join me and Rie Komiya for this very special gathering - only offered online.
If you've been on the energy rollercoaster, or have questions about what is happening right now you'll love this event and will leave feeling so much better.
The Equinox is a powerful time when we focus on balance and harmony.
There is a moment of equal light and dark for the entire planet.
A zero point for potent creation and new realities - especially in this '22 year of the "Master Builder".
2022 is a 6 year - a year of balance, harmony, peace and healing.
The Equinox magnifies this potential.
The shift into the "Age of Aquarius" is also marked by the "precession of the Equinoxes" so each Equinox is a powerful marker in time.
We're sure you'll agree there's never been a more important time to focus on Balance, Harmony and New Potentials.
As many gather worldwide to meditate on this special day please join Rie, me and a beautiful resonant group for this special event...
Please JOIN ME for this very special 11/11 Event
Every year the 11/11 Portal is a massive opening to New Beginnings.
This year the energies are more powerful than any we've experienced before as the frequencies on Earth continue to rise.
THIS 11/11 is also a "9" energy date (1+1+1+1+5=9) which means we are focused on the completion of major earth cycles too.
It's time to release the old and leap excitedly into the New.
On 11/11 we're reminded to be aware of where we are placing our focus.
What are WE creating individually and collectively ?
On this day a powerful 11:11 Wave of Intention sweeps the planet too as the numbers catch the attention of humanity.
We'll be tapping into this wave at 11 past the hour.
Will you join us ?
In this 90 minute session we'll also talk about the energies of the day, of 2021 and the shift of consciousness we are experiencing.
If you can't make it LIVE there will be a recording ... you'll need to register to receive this !
In 2021 it's all about the Cycles of Time.
Beginnings and Endings.
July 25th brings a very special day ... the Day out of Time.
A Day of high potential ... positioned just after the Full Moon on the 24th and just before the Galactic New Year on the 26th.
This is a powerful time to work with the void space to create momentum for the coming galactic year.
To connect in to the Day Out of Time energies please join me and a wonderful resonant group at on Sunday July 25th at:
10am Singapore
12noon Melbourne/Sydney
7pm Pacific (Saturday 24th)
The Mayan/Galactic ‘day out of time’ is the last day of the galactic year in the Mayan calendar. 13 moon cycles of 28 days = 364 days and the the extra day, the 365th day, is called the ‘day out of time’.
This ‘free day’ re-aligns the 13 Moon calendar and solar year and connects us to the energies of the zero point of unlimited potential.
Are you ready to learn more about these cycles of time,...
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