444 Earth Angels - An Online Event

As well as being Easter Sunday ... this coming Sunday is also a 444 Portal

Not only is it 4/4 but the date adds up to a 13/4 (4+4+2+0+2+1=13/1+3=4) … which gives us the 444 code.

444 is a powerful master number sequence – often associated with the Angelic Realm.

At this time it’s also an activation code for the Human/Embodied Angels.

Those stepping up to anchor this new level of light on our planet.

That means YOU.

Are you seeing 444, 144 or 11:11 ?

Or does this information resonate with you ?

If so please join our very special online gathering.

Easter Sunday holds the energy of rebirth and renewal. And this year it’s sooooo potent.


We're meeting on Sunday 4/4 at:

10am Singapore/Bali
12noon Melbourne/Sydney (don't forget daylight savings ends)
7pm Pacific (3rd)


It’s going to be such a beautiful gathering.

This event will be ONLINE only (via zoom video).

In this 90 minute session we’ll be talking about the energies of April and 2021, our Ascension journey … and much much more.

We’ll also be connecting in a powerful 444  “EMBODIMENT” activation.

Feeling it ? Please join us.

If you can’t make it LIVE there will be a recording too.

You can register here:

The energy exchange for this event is $33US.


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