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The Day Out of Time and Lion's Gate Events

The Lion's Gate is about to OPEN and this year it peaks on a very special 888 Portal Date.

The Gate opens on July 26th as we also celebrate the Galactic/Mayan New Year.

The day before that (July 25th) ... which feels extra potent this year ... is the mystical "Day out of Time".

The Galactic year has 13 "28 Day Months" with a day left over at the end.

This "Day Out of Time" is an otherwordly portal for celebration reflection and integration. And for seeding the next year.

This year we complete not just a year ... but cycles within cycles. And begin a whole new Octave of creation.

To celebrate these portals I'm co-facilitating two very special events with two incredible Sound Goddesses. In such intensely energetic times it's so beneficial to be with a resonant group ... you are helping yourself while supporting the collective as we expand the light.


The Day Out of Time

and the

888 Lion's Gate Events

Please do join us for these TWO very special events.

If you'd...

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Living Light – The Lift Off Series

The name really does say it all.

It's time for us to FLY .... are YOU ready ?

If so you're invited to join me for the coming "Lift Off" series.

No doubt you've been hearing about the huge planetary shifts of March... and perhaps wondering how to best harness this potential in your own life.

If you're ready to prepare for ... and move through ... the coming changes with more ease and joy then this series is for you.

Even if you've been on this Ascension journey for a while it can really help to be supported by an amazing group as we leap together into the new.

Living Light - Lift Off begins before head into March and those long awaited world-changing planetary movements.

The title "Lift Off" has so many levels to it ...


Lift Off - Lighten Up - Let Go - Fly


After the name dropped in I found the beautiful anchoring image straight away ... and then started hearing/receiving intel about how our Angel Wings are unfurling. And so much more.


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Living Light - Luminosity

You may have heard a lot of talk about lightbody in recent times and wondered what it's all about. Or perhaps you've done some lightbody (also known as Merkabah) work before.

We all have a lightbody field that travels with us through lifetimes. Once we become aware of this field we can work more consciously with it to help shift our biology and manifest in the world around us.

Your lightbody also interacts directly with your physical body and offers a way for us to welcome more light and upgrades with greater ease.

I've been teaching lightbody classes for many years now and have seen first hand the life-changing results for those who have embraced the practices.

Right now we are shifting fast and so this new series (Living Light - Luminosity) will be a recap of the most important concepts from my recent classes ... upgraded for these energies ... with lots of beautiful lightbody meditations too.

Even if you are new to Lightbody work ... if you feel the nudge to join please trust...

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Online Class - Jin Shin Jyutsu for these Times

For all those who've been wanting to do a Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) energy healing class - this could be your chance.

I'm offering a 3 hour online "mini-workshop" ... with an emphasis on the specific aspects of JSJ that can help at this time ... balance, calmness, wellbeing, immunity, "detoxing medications" ... and recalibrating to the higher energies that are now flowing to the planet.

Wonderful for newbies and also perfect for you if you've done a class before and would love a refresher and a chance to focus on particular tools for these changing times.

As always it's also a great opportunity to be in a group energy experience and receive the healing and balancing frequencies of that always flow when we gather.

Sound good ?

Then please join me at:

10am on Saturday 30th October (Singapore time)
1pm Saturday 30th October (Melbourne/Sydney)
7pm Friday 29th October (Pacific)

and experience this beautiful hands-on energy healing modality.

We'll create a powerful...

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The Living Light Workshop Series

You may have been hearing a lot talk about the Lightbody (also known as the Merkabah or Torus) field.

Your lightbody (the field of light that surrounds you) is a part of you that is always with you. It has traveled with you through lifetimes.

Now it’s time for you and your lightbody to reconnect more consciously as it is a pivotal part of your Ascension process.

There are so many practical benefits to doing this … it will:

help you ride and integrate the energy waves we are now experiencing

connect you with your guidance

boost your manifesting power, and

support you to walk through the world carrying a higher vibration day in, day out.


If you are a healer, teacher or coach, a reconnection with your lightbody will boost your ability to hold sacred space for your clients and students.

If you are working in an organisation you can use the alchemical techniques to create positive influence and change.

And you will notice shifts in your relationships and homelife too....

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The 444 Energies of April 2021


April 2021 is a another special month in so many ways ... the first one being that it is a "9" Universal Month.

We work out the "Universal Month" number by adding the month to the year. So


During a 9 Universal month we get lots of powerful numerology happening EVERY day because the vibration of the day will always match the number of the day itself.

For example on April 3rd:

3+(4+2+0+2+1) = 12 and 1+2=3 so we have a double 3 code.

Wheras on April 4th (4/4):

4+(4+2+0+2+1) = 13 and 1+3= 4 so it's a TRIPLE 4 code.

The 444 code also activates on the 13th and 22nd.

Master Number 44 (444)

The Master numbers hold powerful codes for our evolution.

Many are "seeing" these numbers on clocks or number plates. 11:11, 222 etc.

The search for meaning can lead us to the angel number interpretations brought through by several channels/teachers. 

For example in "angel numbers" 444 is a code often associated with the angelic realm itself.

But as WE...

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444 Earth Angels - An Online Event

As well as being Easter Sunday ... this coming Sunday is also a 444 Portal

Not only is it 4/4 but the date adds up to a 13/4 (4+4+2+0+2+1=13/1+3=4) … which gives us the 444 code.

444 is a powerful master number sequence – often associated with the Angelic Realm.

At this time it’s also an activation code for the Human/Embodied Angels.

Those stepping up to anchor this new level of light on our planet.

That means YOU.

Are you seeing 444, 144 or 11:11 ?

Or does this information resonate with you ?

If so please join our very special online gathering.

Easter Sunday holds the energy of rebirth and renewal. And this year it’s sooooo potent.


We're meeting on Sunday 4/4 at:

10am Singapore/Bali
12noon Melbourne/Sydney (don't forget daylight savings ends)
7pm Pacific (3rd)


It’s going to be such a beautiful gathering.

This event will be ONLINE only (via zoom video).

In this 90 minute session we’ll be talking about the...

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