The Blood Flower Supermoon Wesak Eclipse !!
Hello dear friend,
What an amazing time this is as we head into the Full Moon in Scorpio ... and a Total Lunar Eclipse to boot.
Such a powerful double act.
This Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse is exact right before the peak of the beautiful Vesak/Wesak full moon (always my favorite full moon of the year and this year it's so very special).
But before we dive into the details of this incredible lunation let's take a quick look at the build up.
The Energies of May
This May has seen us receive a huuuuuge influx of energies. We entered the Month (and the eclipse corridor) with the energies of the Solar Eclipse ... and have continued to receive a constant flow of solar light daily. Multiple flares/cmes have arrived on some days ... and often this has included a powerful X-class flare.
There is a real sense of things shifting quickly now ... and in just the past few days ...
1. We've been in the flow of those high potency solar flares AND a Solar "Earthquake" (what the ???).
2. Mercury turned retrograde (I know, I know). But ... given all the potential we have to heal our old "thought patterns" during this "south node" eclipse it's absolutely Divine timing.
3. Jupiter moved into Aries. This is BIG because Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and a new cycle is beginning. From Astrobutterfly ...
"This is undoubtedly one of the most important transits of the year.
Jupiter in Aries is big and bold.
This is not your usual Aries “just do it” type of energy… this is a “let’s do it BIG” type of energy.
From May 2022 until May 2023, we have 12 months of Aries opportunities on steroids.
And what does Aries stand for?
Aries keywords are action, initiative, boldness, determination, taking a stand, listening to our gut, bringing things into existence, making things happen..."
This is a perfect alignment for our '22 year of the Master Builder and another sign that we are shifting into the promised NEW.
NOW ... back to the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon ...
As you may know ... as the Wesak moon reaches its maximum ... the Buddha and Masters "descend" to radiate divine light to humanity (received and anchored by we Earthly Masters). Here's a bit more about the beautiful Legend of Wesak.
Although Wesak/Vesak is celebrated as a Buddhist festival (honoring the birth, death and enlightenment of the Buddha) there's a more unifying "spiritual" aspect that includes all of the Ascended Masters. It is a very special time to be present in meditation/prayer/intention.
This year the moon is orbiting close to the earth (a SUPER moon) so it will be even more potent ... and then there is the ECLIPSE.
Either of these events is massive ... but together THIS time ... WOW.
The full moon eclipse is in Scorpio ... activating the moon's South Node and encouraging us to let go of the past and the karmic cycles of old. This is so BIG !!
A few days ago I was shown a vision by my guides ...
of how the total Lunar Eclipse would block the moon's illumination of the earth
for a period of time.
Turning off the Light.
Allowing a Reset of Consciousness.
Then when the moonlight "reappears" it will be along with a powerful transmission of pure blessings from the Masters.
A New Level of Light.
A New Beginning.
How Beautiful.
Let's make the most of this.
Eclipse Timing
This is quite a long eclipse (see more info about YOUR timezone here).
If you are in the USA/Canada you may be able to view the show, but no matter where you are we are all affected by such amazing cosmic events.
The maximum will be at:
5.11am London (16th)
12.11pm Singapore (16th)
2.11pm Melb/Sydney (16th)
9.11pm Pacific (15th)
And the full moon peak happens just a few minutes later.
If you are able to pause for a while and BE in the energies I would highly recommend it.
Set the intention to release all that no longer serves you at this time,
and be open to receiving the blessings from the Masters.
If you would like some meditations to support you, here are a couple of my free offerings that are perfect for now.
Full Moon Illumination
Thriving in the New Light
Be sure to join my mailing list (below) to receive access to more updates and meditations too.
Wishing you a beautiful Full Moon Eclipse Reset ... see you on the other side ...
Much love
Julie Ann
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