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Living Light - Lemuria


We are the Ones we have been Waiting For


This is the Time we have been Waiting For


It's TIME to reconnect with your Ancient Roots while learning some Practical Tools for this time.

If you're ready for the next step/leap of your spiritual journey

If you feel a deep connection with our Motherland Lemuria

If you'd like to ride these waves of change with some leading edge tools

If you're open to calling in some beautiful Manifestations


This series is for you.


Living Light - Lemuria brings together what I feel are two of the most important teachings for this time.


An awareness of your lightbody
(and how to work with it in these energies).


Knowledge/Remembrance of Ancient Lemuria ...
that we can carry into the future.


Let's talk about your Lightbody first.

Lightbody Awareness

I truly believe when we're ready to take your next step on the Ascension/Spiritual path ... connection to our lightbody/merkabah is key ... it's...

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August Alignment 888

We're about to enter the magical "8" month of August ... as we head into the 888 Lion's Gate Peak.

The Lion’s Gate opened on July 26th and because 2024 is an ‘8’ year the 8/8 peak becomes a powerful and auspicious 888 portal.

Every year this Lion’s Gate period offers an opportunity to spiral up spiritually ... and this year it's "on steroids".

The cosmic events we've already moved through in 2024 have set the scene for this potent 888 manifesting opportunity.

Are you ready to make the most of this super special month ?

A couple of times a year (as you may know) I run a live version of my proven Alignment process. What's different about this process is that you'll learn a lot about what is really happening on our ascending planet right now ... as you experience beautiful shifts and powerful AHAs in your own life.

A wonderful way to begin, resume or enhance your daily practice,

and discover more about the time we are in.

ALL done...

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Connecting the Dots 2023 - An Online Experience

You can now get INSTANT ACCESS to the workshop recording ... the information will serve you for the coming months.


Are you looking at the recent events of March/April and wondering how it all fits together ??

In the last month alone we've experienced once-in-lifetime planetary shifts, grand alignments, huge solar flares and so much more. All the while the world around us appears to be getting more chaotic.

There's very good news here however as we are now moving rapidly into the long prophesied shift of the Ages.

If you're ready to connect the dots, re-energise your mission ... and leap into this grand new cycle please join me and a resonant group of souls for "Connecting the Dots - 2023". 

During this workshop you'll  ...

  • learn about the true cycles of the earth and why THIS moment is so AMAZING
  • remember your connection to the Ancient Civilizations (Atlantis, Lemuria, Egypt)
  • reconnect with your Sacred Mission
  • discover the significance of the current solar...
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The Solstice BREAKTHROUGH Event

What a time we are in.

No doubt you are feeling it too ... huge shifts are playing out on our planet on all levels as we head into this pivotal Solstice.

In recent years the Solstices have brought massive transformation, as on this Sacred Day of ceremony and light so many around the planet gather with intention.

The Solstice is the moment when the "sun stands still" as it prepares for the change of seasons.

A time of maximum light in one hemisphere.

As we know, the ancients from all over the globe honored this day as evidenced by the positioning and building of Sacred Sites and Monuments.

More recently the December Solstices have come into our awareness due to some much heralded events.

TEN YEARS AGO (on the Solstice in 2012) a great shift occurred as the potential energies for a new Golden Age arrived. Remember this event was widely reported due to the Mayan Calendar which famously ended on this day. The end of a major earth cycle and the beginning of a new one ...

Over the past...

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The Equinox PEAK Event

Please join me and the amazing Elaine Victoria Yang for this very special session - only offered online.

Every year we celebrate TWO Equinoxes ... powerful times to gather for meditation and manifestation.

Now that we are moving into the Age of Aquarius the Equinoxes are coming into focus as they are also the markers of that passage ... known as the precession of the Equinoxes.

It's a time of year when expanded energies arrive onto our planet via the "Equinox Cracks" in the magnetosphere. As we are already receiving a massive amount of light through solar flares/storms this year it's extremely powerful.

During this Equinox we're meeting for the very PEAK ... at the moment of Pure Alignment.

An amazing time to bring in harmony/balance and a beautiful time to harvest our creations (ie bring in abundance).


You’re invited to gather with a beautiful group online to connect with this long-honoured  sacred day and anchor the light that will be flowing....

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The Blood Flower Supermoon Wesak Eclipse !!

Hello dear friend,

What an amazing time this is as we head into the Full Moon in Scorpio ... and a Total Lunar Eclipse to boot.

Such a powerful double act.

This Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse is exact right before the peak of the beautiful Vesak/Wesak full moon (always my favorite full moon of the year and this year it's so very special).

But before we dive into the details of this incredible lunation let's take a quick look at the build up.

The Energies of May

This May has seen us receive a huuuuuge influx of energies. We entered the Month (and the eclipse corridor) with the energies of the Solar Eclipse ... and have continued to receive a constant flow of solar light daily. Multiple flares/cmes have arrived on some days ... and often this has included a powerful X-class flare.

There is a real sense of things shifting quickly now ... and in just the past few days ...

1. We've been in the flow of those high potency solar flares AND a Solar "Earthquake"...

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The Divine Eclipse Online Retreat

Please join me and the amazing Rie Komiya for this very special mini-retreat – only offered online.

You have no doubt been feeling the new level of light flowing to our planet of the past couple of weeks. The Sun has been extremely active and we are often integrating many Solar Flares in a single day.

It’s getting more and more important to take the precious time to allow your body to acclimatise to these new higher frequencies.

We’re also building up to a New Moon Solar Eclipse on April 30th … a Powerful time for Renewal and Rebirth.

This partial retreat most likely won't be visible in your region... but in any case we have been guided to gather BEFORE the Eclipse for this very special mini-retreat.

We’ll be in the potent energies of the “dark moon” … the ultimate time to plant seeds for the future … and given the power of THIS New Moon you’ll want to make the most of it.

About the...

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