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Please join me and the amazing Rie Komiya for this very special online session.
It's such an exciting time on our planet with the ever expanding energies and new potentials.
This April 4th is a very potent day as it activates powerful numerology (and astrology).
44 is of course a beautiful "angel number" that is also a symbol that WE are rapidly becoming embodied human angels here on earth.
In addition ... April is an 11 Master Universal Month (4+2+0+2+3=11).
11 is a powerful Master (and Angelic) number activating Awakening, Illumination and our highest New Earth Visions.
Following on from 4/4 we have a full moon in Libra. We'll be preparing for that too !!
As we can feel ... powerful frequencies are building every day now ... let's make the most of them.
We will co-create with the Angelic Realm to create Quantum change in our own lives ... while we work together to manifest highest potential outcomes for all.
During this session we'll learn more about the importance of...
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