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An Egyptian Odyssey - Online

Have you always felt a pull towards Egypt ? A knowing that your soul has a deep connection to this land.

Perhaps you have even visited before as a tourist and seen the incredible ancient sites (and sights) for yourself.

What you may not know is that hidden in plain sight along the river Nile is a sequence of temples, cities and pyramids located in the most perfect sacred energy spots ... designed to provide an activation and initiation experience for those who feel called.

Join me as we take a two hour virtual journey through Egypt ... and finish with a very special meditation experience that will realign your body and soul for this time.

This magical experience has been recorded and is ready now for INSTANT ACCESS. 

During our precious time together you'll  ...

  • discover how Egypt is connected to the Ancient Civilizations (Atlantis, Lemuria)
  • "visit" the various temple sites and experience the energies of each
  • learn about the special initiations...
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