What a time we are in.
No doubt you are feeling it too … huge shifts are playing out on our planet on all levels as we move towards the second eclipse in this powerful series.
We opened the series with an Epic “Hybrid” Solar Eclipse in Aries and now we are moving into the bookend Lunar Eclipse in transformational Scorpio.
As with all cosmic events at this time … THIS eclipse is multi-layered as it brings together astrology, numerology, energetic shifts and also an incredible influx of blessings.
You see … this full moon eclipse is also occurring at the time of the (true) spiritual Wesak/Vesak moon … not the time of the Vesak holiday celebrated in some countries.
555 is a code for the 5th dimension … and a sequence that supports rapid transformation. Given that the eclipse is in Scorpio ... that’s emphasised.
It’s also a number code associated with the Ancient Civilisations and the Divine Feminine.
At this time we’ll also be supported by Buddha and the Masters who visit the earth to radiate light and blessings at the time of the Wesak/Vesak full moon.
It's always a beautiful and powerful time but this year the blessings being shared are extra special.
So let's make the most of it ... TOGETHER.
When we gather as a group WE get to receive and anchor more of this light … a service to ourselves and ALL of humanity.
The session will include some inspiring info about this period of transformation, the eclipses, where we are in our Ascension journey … and the current energies.
And of course we’ll be doing some amazing meditations for receiving abundant blessings at this INCREDIBLE time.
If you’ve attended my sessions before you’ll know it’s ALL about the activations/energies … and the beautiful groups that form.
We just need YOU.
Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions :)
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