Events, Updates and Articles
What a time we are in.
No doubt you are feeling it too … huge shifts are playing out on our planet on all levels as we move towards the second eclipse in this powerful series.
We opened the series with an Epic “Hybrid” Solar Eclipse in Aries and now we are moving into the bookend Lunar Eclipse in transformational Scorpio.
As with all cosmic events at this time … THIS eclipse is multi-layered as it brings together astrology, numerology, energetic shifts and also an incredible influx of blessings.
You see … this full moon eclipse is also occurring at the time of the (true) spiritual Wesak/Vesak moon … not the time of the Vesak holiday celebrated in some countries.
555 is a code for the 5th dimension … and a sequence that supports rapid transformation. Given that the...
Please join me and the amazing Rie Komiya for this very special mini-retreat – only offered online.
You have no doubt been feeling the new level of light flowing to our planet of the past couple of weeks. The Sun has been extremely active and we are often integrating many Solar Flares in a single day.
It’s getting more and more important to take the precious time to allow your body to acclimatise to these new higher frequencies.
We’re also building up to a New Moon Solar Eclipse on April 30th … a Powerful time for Renewal and Rebirth.
This partial retreat most likely won't be visible in your region... but in any case we have been guided to gather BEFORE the Eclipse for this very special mini-retreat.
We’ll be in the potent energies of the “dark moon” … the ultimate time to plant seeds for the future … and given the power of THIS New Moon you’ll want to make the most of it.
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