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Living Light - Lemuria


We are the Ones we have been Waiting For


This is the Time we have been Waiting For


It's TIME to reconnect with your Ancient Roots while learning some Practical Tools for this time.

If you're ready for the next step/leap of your spiritual journey

If you feel a deep connection with our Motherland Lemuria

If you'd like to ride these waves of change with some leading edge tools

If you're open to calling in some beautiful Manifestations


This series is for you.


Living Light - Lemuria brings together what I feel are two of the most important teachings for this time.


An awareness of your lightbody
(and how to work with it in these energies).


Knowledge/Remembrance of Ancient Lemuria ...
that we can carry into the future.


Let's talk about your Lightbody first.

Lightbody Awareness

I truly believe when we're ready to take your next step on the Ascension/Spiritual path ... connection to our lightbody/merkabah is key ... it's...

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The 555 Eclipse Event

What a time we are in.

No doubt you are feeling it too … huge shifts are playing out on our planet on all levels as we move towards the second eclipse in this powerful series.

We opened the series with an Epic “Hybrid” Solar Eclipse in Aries and now we are moving into the bookend Lunar Eclipse in transformational Scorpio.

As with all cosmic events at this time … THIS eclipse is multi-layered as it brings together astrology, numerology, energetic shifts and also an incredible influx of blessings.

You see … this full moon eclipse is also occurring at the time of the (true) spiritual Wesak/Vesak moon  … not the time of the  Vesak holiday celebrated in some countries.


The eclipse itself begins on 5/5 almost everywhere in the world
(and as ’23 also adds to a 5 we are seeing this as a 555 Portal).


555 is a code for the 5th dimension … and a sequence that supports rapid transformation. Given that the...

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Connecting the Dots 2023 - An Online Experience

You can now get INSTANT ACCESS to the workshop recording ... the information will serve you for the coming months.


Are you looking at the recent events of March/April and wondering how it all fits together ??

In the last month alone we've experienced once-in-lifetime planetary shifts, grand alignments, huge solar flares and so much more. All the while the world around us appears to be getting more chaotic.

There's very good news here however as we are now moving rapidly into the long prophesied shift of the Ages.

If you're ready to connect the dots, re-energise your mission ... and leap into this grand new cycle please join me and a resonant group of souls for "Connecting the Dots - 2023". 

During this workshop you'll  ...

  • learn about the true cycles of the earth and why THIS moment is so AMAZING
  • remember your connection to the Ancient Civilizations (Atlantis, Lemuria, Egypt)
  • reconnect with your Sacred Mission
  • discover the significance of the current solar...
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The 555 Gateway Event

The 5/5/5 Gateway is one of the Power Dates of 2021.

2021 is a “5” energy year (2+0+2+1=5).

5 Brings the energy of transformation and 5/5/5 AMPLIFIES that vibration.

It’s a time of massive positive change and highest potential.

We are shifting into the 5th Dimension – NEW Earth – let’s do it with consciousness and intention.

Are you seeing 555 or 11:11 ?

Or does this information resonate with you ?

If so please join our very special online gathering.

Once again Elaine Victoria Yang and I are teaming up (it’s been way too long).

I'll be leading a powerful 555 Meditation journey … while Elaine will bring in the energies with her beautiful Crystal Singing Bowls. She has many :)

You won’t want to miss this !!

In this 75 minute online session we’ll also be talking about the energies of May and 2021, our Ascension journey … and much much more.

Feeling it ? Please join us on:

Wednesday May 5th:


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Seeing Numbers ? - You're Not Alone

Do you “see” double or triple number sequences all of the time ? Maybe you are one of the many who sees “11:11” or perhaps there’s another combination that follows you around.

Here’s my story of “awakening by numbers” … I hope it helps shed some light on your own experience…

It all began on the 5th of May 2005. I was in South Australia attending the lead-up events for my brother’s wedding. We had hired a car and I remember noting that it was strange that our number plate ended in 555 and it was also 5/5/5! I had never taken much notice of such things before though I had a basic knowledge of numerology. It just seemed to be a cute coincidence.

We were having some fairly late nights celebrating with the happy couple, so you can imagine my surprise (and annoyance) when I started waking up at 5:55 on the dot every morning.

At first I thought it was the alarm clock, or some noise that was disturbing me, but it...

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