The 555 Gateway Event

The 5/5/5 Gateway is one of the Power Dates of 2021.

2021 is a “5” energy year (2+0+2+1=5).

5 Brings the energy of transformation and 5/5/5 AMPLIFIES that vibration.

It’s a time of massive positive change and highest potential.

We are shifting into the 5th Dimension – NEW Earth – let’s do it with consciousness and intention.

Are you seeing 555 or 11:11 ?

Or does this information resonate with you ?

If so please join our very special online gathering.

Once again Elaine Victoria Yang and I are teaming up (it’s been way too long).

I'll be leading a powerful 555 Meditation journey … while Elaine will bring in the energies with her beautiful Crystal Singing Bowls. She has many :)

You won’t want to miss this !!

In this 75 minute online session we’ll also be talking about the energies of May and 2021, our Ascension journey … and much much more.

Feeling it ? Please join us on:

Wednesday May 5th:

10am Singapore/Bali
12noon Melbourne/Sydney
7pm Pacific (4th)


If you can’t make it LIVE there will be a recording too.

The energy exchange for this event is: $25.55 USD

You can register here.


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