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Celebrating the Solstice

Please join me for this very special gathering - only offered online.

Last year in  2020 an unprecedented alignment happened on the December Solstice - Jupiter and Saturn connected in a rare "Star of Bethlehem" formation in Aquarius.

The Age of Aquarius began as people all over the world gathered in to usher in this auspicious time.

Now here we are a year later.

And what a year it has been as our planet has received higher and higher frequencies.

Now it's time to Celebrate the 2021 Solstice - the day of maximum light.

21/12/21 (12/21/21) is also a 3/3/3 Gateway and an 11 Master Day.

Completing the bridge that opened on 12/12/21.

It's a time to anchor our heartfelt visions and dreams.

As many gather worldwide to honor this sacred day please join me and a beautiful resonant group for this special Solstice event (ONLINE only).

As well as experiencing the amazing energies ... in this 90 minute session we'll also be talking about the energies of 2021 and all that's...

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The 11/11 Gateway Event

Please JOIN ME for this very special 11/11 Event

Every year the 11/11 Portal is a massive opening to New Beginnings.

This year the energies are more powerful than any we've experienced before as the frequencies on Earth continue to rise.

THIS 11/11 is also a "9" energy date (1+1+1+1+5=9) which means we are focused on the completion of major earth cycles too.

It's time to release the old and leap excitedly into the New.

On 11/11 we're reminded to be aware of where we are placing our focus.

What are WE creating individually and collectively ?

On this day a powerful 11:11 Wave of Intention sweeps the planet too as the numbers catch the attention of humanity.

We'll be tapping into this wave at 11 past the hour.

Will you join us ?

In this 90 minute session we'll also talk about the energies of the day, of 2021 and the shift of consciousness we are experiencing.

If you can't make it LIVE there will be a recording ... you'll need to register to receive this !



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The Equinox Event

Please join me and the amazing Elaine Victoria Yang (of Reiki Glow) for another wonderful online event.

This time we're gathering for the Equinox ... always a powerful gateway but even more so in 2021.

We celebrate two Equinoxes every year of course, but THIS year the celestial events are so much more powerful.

This Equinox comes after an incredibly potent Lion's Gate portal and unprecedented levels of solar and magnetic activity.

At this time we get an opportunity to focus on Balance and Unity. Soooo needed on our planet right now don't you agree ?

As the Light and Dark on our planet are in equal amounts there's a return to harmony.

There's also an opportunity to receive more cosmic downloads of light onto our planet through the phenomenon known as the "Equinox Cracks". They are open NOW ... just take a look at the beautiful Auroras we are seeing.


No doubt you can feeeeeel the energies building for this one.

You’re invited to gather with a beautiful group online...

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Blue Moon Breakthroughs and the Age of Aquarius

Hello dear friend,

On Sunday 22nd August we welcome a Full "Blue" Moon in Aquarius.

There's soooooo much to share about this powerful full moon and the current energies that I hardly know where to begin. But I'll do my best to break it all down for you.

Most likely you're feeling the energies strongly today. You could be feeling emotional, exhausted, flattened, spacey ... or wired. Or perhaps you're feeling AMAZING and renewed.

I know some of you are also experiencing outward expressions of the energies via fires, storms, earthquakes, lockdowns, loss of freedoms (or observing them on the global stage) etc. Sending love to you wherever you are and however this is playing out for you.

Hopefully this update will explain much - offer some hope - and also provide some ways to work with the frequency waves we're experiencing.

I'll begin by talking about the numerology and astrology of this lunation, then dive into the bigger cycle and what's been...

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The 8/8 Lion's Gate Event

Please join me and the amazing Elaine Victoria Yang (of Reiki Glow) for the PEAK of the Lion’s Gate Portal.

The Lion’s Gate opened on July 26th and Peaks on 8/8. This year there’s also a New Moon on the 8/8 date.

What a Portal !!

It falls between two Aquarian Full Moons (once in a blue moon stuff) and is the first Lion’s Gate Peak since the huge shift we experienced at the end of 2020.

No doubt you can feel the energies building for this one.

You’re invited to gather with a beautiful group online to connect with this amazing gateway and anchor the light that will be flowing.

Let's make the most of those abundant 8s !

Elaine and I have teamed up for previous Lion's gates and we can't wait to connect with you for this one.

Elaine will be playing her magical Crystal Singing Bowls while I lead a powerful Lion’s Gate Meditation. We’ll also get plenty of time to talk about the meaning and energies of the day … and so...

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The Day out of Time Event

In 2021 it's all about the Cycles of Time.

Beginnings and Endings.

July 25th brings a very special day ... the Day out of Time.

A Day of high potential ... positioned just after the Full Moon on the 24th and just before the Galactic New Year on the 26th.

This is a powerful time to work with the void space to create momentum for the coming galactic year.


To connect in to the Day Out of Time energies please join me and a wonderful resonant group at on Sunday July 25th at:

10am Singapore
12noon Melbourne/Sydney
7pm Pacific (Saturday 24th)


The Mayan/Galactic ‘day out of time’ is the last day of the galactic year in the Mayan calendar. 13 moon cycles of 28 days = 364 days and the the extra day, the 365th day, is called the ‘day out of time’.

This ‘free day’ re-aligns the 13 Moon calendar and solar year and connects us to the energies of the zero point of unlimited potential.

Are you ready to learn more about these cycles of time,...

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The 555 Gateway Event

The 5/5/5 Gateway is one of the Power Dates of 2021.

2021 is a “5” energy year (2+0+2+1=5).

5 Brings the energy of transformation and 5/5/5 AMPLIFIES that vibration.

It’s a time of massive positive change and highest potential.

We are shifting into the 5th Dimension – NEW Earth – let’s do it with consciousness and intention.

Are you seeing 555 or 11:11 ?

Or does this information resonate with you ?

If so please join our very special online gathering.

Once again Elaine Victoria Yang and I are teaming up (it’s been way too long).

I'll be leading a powerful 555 Meditation journey … while Elaine will bring in the energies with her beautiful Crystal Singing Bowls. She has many :)

You won’t want to miss this !!

In this 75 minute online session we’ll also be talking about the energies of May and 2021, our Ascension journey … and much much more.

Feeling it ? Please join us on:

Wednesday May 5th:


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The 444 Energies of April 2021


April 2021 is a another special month in so many ways ... the first one being that it is a "9" Universal Month.

We work out the "Universal Month" number by adding the month to the year. So


During a 9 Universal month we get lots of powerful numerology happening EVERY day because the vibration of the day will always match the number of the day itself.

For example on April 3rd:

3+(4+2+0+2+1) = 12 and 1+2=3 so we have a double 3 code.

Wheras on April 4th (4/4):

4+(4+2+0+2+1) = 13 and 1+3= 4 so it's a TRIPLE 4 code.

The 444 code also activates on the 13th and 22nd.

Master Number 44 (444)

The Master numbers hold powerful codes for our evolution.

Many are "seeing" these numbers on clocks or number plates. 11:11, 222 etc.

The search for meaning can lead us to the angel number interpretations brought through by several channels/teachers. 

For example in "angel numbers" 444 is a code often associated with the angelic realm itself.

But as WE...

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The Gateway Equinox - An Online Event

What a special time this is - a massive frequency shift happened on the December 2020 Solstice - and the beginning of 2021 has brought waves of transformation.

This Equinox is when we begin to harvest the powerful seeds we've been planting over the past few months. Many are saying this is the true beginning to 2021.

As we gather in the Equinox window it will be Sunday 21st in many places (also a 3/3 Gateway and an 11 Master Day).

That's because it's the 21st (2+1=3) and March is a 3 month.

Then 2+1+3+2+0+2+1 = 11

This makes it an extremely potent manifesting gateway.

33 brings the energy of Christ Consciousness into the mix ... as we step more fully into our divine mastery.

Are you ready ?

We're so powerful when we gather as a group - and it always feels so good. Let's do this ! 

We're meeting on Sunday 21st March at:

10am Singapore/Perth
1pm Melbourne/Sydney
7pm Pacific (Saturday 20th March)


In this 90 minute zoom session we'll also be talking about the...

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Singapore Events FEBRUARY 2021

Gong Xi Fa Cai !

I'm in Australia but still running Singapore-timed events ONLINE.

Let's kick off the Lunar New Year with a powerful alignment and visioning session together. Please join me for Manifesting 2021 at 10am Singapore time on Saturday 20th February.

It's also an amazing time to have a Pineal Activation or a 2.5 hour New Energy Alignment. Make the most of the New Year specials.

Please click here for all the session details or contact me for more information.

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