Not long now till the BIG moment ... the total Solar Eclipse in Aries that is causing such a stir worldwide.
As Hare in the Moon Astrology says this is:
"One for the Memory Books….
an Eclipse on Steroids"
That's for many reasons that we'll unpack below.
I've done my best to put together some of the highlights of this amazing cosmic event for you.
So Dive in and Enjoy ....
Now gosh ... where to BEGIN ???
Of course we experience several (4 or 5) eclipses every year but THIS one is truly catching the attention of the spiritual community, the public ... and the scientists.
A TOTAL Solar Eclipse that spans Mexico, USA and Canada (and moves through the US and Canadian capitals too).
This New Moon eclipse is in fiery Aries ... aligned with humanity's North Node of Destiny. Aries is the leader of the zodiac ... holding the vibration of "I AM".
This means we are being called to step into personal Sovereignty at this time.
You might like to think of a Solar Eclipse as a "reset". The moon blocks the light of the sun for a period of time and there is darkness along the eclipse trajectory.
Kind of like turning the power off for a while and then allowing the light to surge back in.
Just as we do when we are loading new upgrades onto our computers ... only this time it's an upgrade for US.
Most likely you're already feeling the energies as we prepare for this momentous opportunity.
FYI ... the Eclipse PEAK times are as follows:
Pacific 11.17am (8th)
UK 7.17pm (8th)
Singapore 2.17am (9th)
Melbourne/Sydney 4.17am (9th)
For those who can see the eclipse this does not mean it's the maximum eclipse viewing time for you ... please check the dateandtime website for your specific details.
Map from
Let's take a look at the Completion theme of this Eclipse ... because it's massive.
We are ending cycles within cycles here on Earth and at Eclipse time we are presented with a beautiful opportunity to finalise old outdated stories.
Amazingly this New Moon Eclipse brings a rare conjunction of the Sun, Moon and CHIRON.
The planetary body Chiron is known as the "wounded healer" or "sacred healer". It activates our deepest core "karmic" wounds.
For most of us here this is the wound that "woke us up" and called us onto our awakening path.
We may have felt we had long ago healed/transcended that wound but this eclipse period is giving us a chance to make sure we do that for good !!.
The karmic cycle here on earth is ending and it's time leap into the New Earth potentials ... unencumbered by the past.
Please note that Mercury in retrograde till the 25th is supporting this deep dive into the completion of the old too.
As we complete our old stories we are birthing bright new beginnings and once again this New Moon Eclipse is leading the way.
Just look at the New Beginnings codes that are lining up:
Sun, Moon and Chiron at 19 Degrees
1=beginnings, 9=completion
All in Aries
(1st Sign of the Zodiac)
New Moons always bring New Beginnings
(and this one is a SUPERMOON)
There are some also some Alpha and Omega (Beginning and Endings) omens showing for this Eclipse ... I'll share those in a bit.
As we know ... although this eclipse affects us ALL ... there's a focus this time on the USA and Canada.
There won't be another total Solar Eclipse in the 'states' for around 20 years.
The Astrology has been pointing us towards America for the past few years as the USA is still in the energy of its "Pluto Return". Ie Pluto has returned for the first time in 250 years to where it was at the signing of the Declaration of Independence. As Pluto brings transformation this is a pretty big deal.
A planetary focus of the past years has also been on the breaking down of the old (structures, paradigms, karma) as the New emerges.
This eclipse feels like a beaming spotlight on this story.
How interesting that a day or so ago the statue of LIBERTY (Sovereignty ?) was photographed with a spectacular lightning strike hitting the torch ... just a few hours before a (thankfully mild) rare earthquake in New York.
Those who are into numerology noted the synchronicity that the earthquake was measured at 4.8 (the date of the eclipse).
Ooooh ....
Another interesting thing to note is where the Eclipse trajectory crosses recent Eclipses.
Some are saying the patterns form ancient "Alpha" and "Omega" symbols.
Endings and Beginnings again ...
Interesting huh ? :)
And there are even more signs ...
I wasn't too sure if this was true but gonna trust James Webb :)
This feels like a powerful planetary celebration party ...
Then in other exciting news ... there's a COMET in the Mix too.
Meg Benedicte says:
"Passing the Solar Eclipse in Aries is the ‘Mother of Dragons’ Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks.
The ‘near-earth’ comet will hang northeast of the eclipsed Sun, visible with binoculars or possibly the naked eye during totality.
What a fortuitous visit during the Year of the Dragon! Passing so close to the eclipse in Aries adds a galactic element to this rare gateway event..."
Note that Meg says this is fortuitous. There's been a lot of "fearful" energy around the comet (not to mention the NASA rockets and CERN).
If you've been listening to any of this please know ... we lightworkers have SO GOT THIS.
Our momentum is unstoppable now.
Let's stay focused on the light.
And on that note we'll now tune in to the energetic significance of the eclipse ... and the beautiful potentials that are opening for us at this time.
If we think of the Sun as representing the Sacred Masculine ... and the Moon the Divine Feminine ... the time of total eclipse becomes a beautiful merge of energies.
It's all about the return of Balance, Unity and LOVE.
When the sun re-emerges a new level of light will be flowing. Think of it as a birth of new energies that will be created from this Sacred Union.
"Globally, we’ll all feel the lights out effects of this lunation - a switch-off/re-boot and solar planetary pause.
Radiating in all directions from the exact moment of the eclipse,
a pronounced ripple in the space-time continuum ..."
And there's more "fortuitous" news ...
The eclipse is happening for most of you on the 8th ... in an 8 energy year.
Again we see the energies of divine balance coming into focus with the symmetry of the figure 8.
The "8" energies are highly auspicious.
Flowing, infinite, abundant.
As Above, So Below ... bringing Heaven to Earth.
Let's keep all of this in mind as we head into the eclipse peak.
Just as when the solar flares erupt (but way more powerful) we can expect a huge surge of light to arrive with this Eclipse Reset.
Remember it's an "upgrade" :) and a welcome one.
Think of it as a loving "healing" wave that can activate your pineal and heart.
Opening you to new higher levels of consciousness and perception.
You may very well "see" the world differently in the coming days.
The best way to prepare ... meditate, feel gratitude, forgive and let go (ho'oponopono is wonderful for this).
If you've done lightbody work with me or someone else ... be conscious of your field of light.
Be present, relaxed and quiet at the time of the eclipse peak (a few minutes either side) ... and welcome the light with ease and grace.
If you'd like a meditation to work with before or after here's:
So here we go ...
I know that's a LOT and I hope you find it all exciting. It IS.
Do let me know about your own experiences.
And ... I'll see you on the other side ...
Julie Ann xo
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