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The Amazing Solar Eclipse ... Lots of Information for YOU !!

Not long now till the BIG moment ... the total Solar Eclipse in Aries that is causing such a stir worldwide.


As Hare in the Moon Astrology says this is:

"One for the Memory Books….
an Eclipse on Steroids"


That's for many reasons that we'll unpack below.

I've done my best to put together some of the highlights of this amazing cosmic event for you.

So Dive in and Enjoy ....

Now gosh ... where to BEGIN ???

The Grand "American" Solar Eclipse

Of course we experience several (4 or 5) eclipses every year but THIS one is truly catching the attention of the spiritual community, the public ... and the scientists.

A TOTAL Solar Eclipse that spans Mexico, USA and Canada (and moves through the US and Canadian capitals too).

This New Moon eclipse is in fiery Aries ... aligned with humanity's North Node of Destiny. Aries is the leader of the zodiac ... holding the vibration of "I AM".

This means we are being called to step into personal Sovereignty at this time.

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Living Light 3 - Activation


Are you feeling the potential of this new unprecedented energies ... and wondering how best to make the most of them ?

Or perhaps you're feeling ready for a quantum leap in your Spiritual Journey.

Welcome to Living Light 3 - Activation.

Over the past few years I've run a lightbody awareness series called Living Light.

Levels 1 and 2 have been offered several times ... and now (somewhat surprisingly but most excitingly to me) it's time for Level 3 !!

If you haven't done Level 1 or 2 ... but you've done lots of other energy work I believe you'll love Level 3.

In other words if these words are resonating then trust that this calling is for you. ...and yes we'll integrate the basics of Level 1 and 2 in our first weeks as we add the new information :)

Let me tell you a bit more ...

As indicated ... I was not expecting there to be a Living Light Level 3. Not that I wasn't "expecting" it exactly ... more that it never even crossed my mind.

But when it...

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