A Big Week of Libra - Love, Justice and Liberty
Hello Dear Friend,
Well it's another biiiiig week in the Cosmos and (wow) we're seeing so much happening here on the Earth Plane to reflect the transformational times we are in.
Disclosures, corruption reveals, whistleblowers ... and the disruptive Social Media outages.
The scales are rebalancing in a massive way as the Libran energy infuses our planet.
The good news is the old is being revealed to be healed ... making way for new patterns to emerge ... and this is a week when we can make the most of the incredible potentials opening to us now.
On a cosmic level the events look something like this:
October 5th:
11 Master Day (5+1+0+2+0+2+1=11)
October 6th:
New Moon in Libra and Pluto Direct with Libra Stellium (Sun, Moon, Mars)
October 9th:
Pluto/Eris Square and Libra Stellium (Sun, Mars and Mercury)
October 10th:
10/10 Gateway and Saturn Direct
Not to mention we are receiving huge measurable influxes of energy ... take a look here (A Girl in the Universe) for example.
So let's put all the pieces together as we get a sense of the potent power of this time.
We began the month of October with 6 planetary bodies in retograde (including Mercury) ...

... sorry couldn't resist hehe ...
... and as the month unfolds ... most of the major planets will turn direct providing a boost of momentum as they do.
Pluto (the planet representing transformation and rebirth) turns direct at around the time of the New Moon on the 6th.
But before that the "New Beginnings" energy opens/opened with an 11 Master Day on the 5th.
We haven't seen an 11 Master Day for a while so this is exciting ... a portal leading us right into the very special New Moon and 10/10 gateway.
This whole week is a powerful time to Dream, Vision and Create.
As the New Moon in Libra peaks on the 6th at:
4.05am Pacific
12.05pm London
7.05pm Singapore
10.05pm Melbourne/Sydney
the Libran energy is amplified by the Sun and Mars which are also in Libra (forming a Stellium).
All three planetary bodies are at 13 degrees ... 13 being the number of the Divine Feminine.
"This new moon invokes the number 13, Divine Feminine symbol life-death-rebirth transformation and the cycles of life..."
~ Tania Gabrielle
The Feminine Power is certainly being activated this week ... as not only do we have the number 13 presenting, but the star sign of Libra is actually ruled by Venus. What is so beautiful however, is that Mars (representing the Sacred Masculine) is also part of this picture.
As Libra is the sign of Balance, Liberty, Justice ... and Love ... this could not be more perfect really :)
In addition ... Pluto is helping to activate this divine transformation ... out of the chaotic potential and back into harmony.
A few days later a second Libran stellium forms and at the same time Pluto squares the "dwarf planet" Eris. Eris represents the energy of the fierce Goddess (you go girl) ... and a square means we may see some breakthrough energy on this day. If you'd like to know more about this I highly recommend Pam Gregory's New Moon video.
Then ... last but certainly not least ... we enter the 10/10 Gateway.
10 holds the vibration of a Higher New Beginning ... one that has been informed by the wisdom gained in the past cycle (1-9).
We start a new cycle bringing with us a new level of consciousness as we pass through the 10/10 gateway.
So all in all ... a powerful time to focus in what you want ... rather than pushing against what you don't.
No matter our personal beliefs ... I'm sure we all want more Peace, Love, Liberty and Harmony ... let's hold that intention and energy over the coming days.
If you'd like a meditation to help amplify this journey ... you'll love Thriving in the New Light.
And of course please contact me if I can support you at this time :)
Wishing you an amazingly beautiful week and a transformational New Moon,
Julie Ann
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