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The Aquarian Energies ...

Hello again dear Friend,

How are you feeling as we head into a BIIIIIG weekend ?


Today one of the most powerful planetary movements of the decade is imminent ...

that being the shift of
transformational Pluto into 00 degrees AQUARIUS ...
conjuncting the Sun as it moves into Aquarius too.


This happens on the 20th or 21st depending on where you are located but for ALL of us the next 24 hours are a huge completion and preparation for this Grand Cosmic Moment.

Why is it such a big deal ?

Let's break it down a bit so we can make "sense" of it ... and then connect the the dots so we can get to the bigger picture.


The Pluto Transit

Being the furthest "planet" from the sun, Pluto has the longest transit time of 248 years.

That means it literally spends decades (mini eras really) in each sign. For example Pluto's journey through the preceding constellation of Capricorn began way back in 2008.

It popped into Aquarius for short couple of months in March 2023 (lots of rare...

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Alignment 2024 - Let's Align and Create Together

Wow ... we made it.

The time so many have been waiting for ... promising profound shifts on so many levels. After a reality-changing Solstice we're heading into a VERY New year.

2024 is a magical "8" year that brings some long awaited planetary alignments.

And January is quite the powerful month ... lots of cool repeating number codes and the big shift of Pluto back into Aquarius (Age of Aquarius here we come).

SO MUCH POTENTIAL is literally in the AIR.

There's also the energy of the number 1. All month LONG. New Beginnings abound.

Every year (as you may know) I run a live version of my proven Alignment process to begin the New Year  ... an amazing way to begin ANY year but especially THIS one. What's different about this process is that you'll learn a lot about what is really happening on our ascending planet right now ... as you experience the shifts and  AHAs in your own life.

So ... you're invited to join me and an amazing group of...

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The Equinox Shift - Free Meditation Event

Please join me for a beautiful free Meditation at this very special time.

Not only will we be welcoming the Equinox ... but we'll also be anticipating a major shift in our cosmos as Pluto moves into Aquarius for the first time in over 200 years.

We'll be holding an energy of Peace and Balance for our planet ... and for ourselves.

The energies building to this Equinox are intensely powerful and it will be so good to be together ... it's always beautiful to receive/create as a group.

We're meeting on Tues/Wed 21st/22nd March at:

10am Singapore time (Wednesday 22nd)
1pm Melbourne/Sydney (Wednesday 22nd)
7pm Pacific (Tuesday 21st)

 ... right between the Equinox and the Pluto event. We'll also be right IN the energies of the New Moon at zero degrees Aries.

New New New Beginnings !!!!!!!!!




This 60 minute session will include:

5 mins informal chat and check-in (not recorded)

15 mins lead-in and energy update

25 mins meditation

15 mins...

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Living Light – The Lift Off Series

The name really does say it all.

It's time for us to FLY .... are YOU ready ?

If so you're invited to join me for the coming "Lift Off" series.

No doubt you've been hearing about the huge planetary shifts of March... and perhaps wondering how to best harness this potential in your own life.

If you're ready to prepare for ... and move through ... the coming changes with more ease and joy then this series is for you.

Even if you've been on this Ascension journey for a while it can really help to be supported by an amazing group as we leap together into the new.

Living Light - Lift Off begins before head into March and those long awaited world-changing planetary movements.

The title "Lift Off" has so many levels to it ...


Lift Off - Lighten Up - Let Go - Fly


After the name dropped in I found the beautiful anchoring image straight away ... and then started hearing/receiving intel about how our Angel Wings are unfurling. And so much more.


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The February 22nd Event (222/22)

Please join me and the amazing Elaine Victoria Yang for this very special gathering - only offered online.

WOW oh WOW can you feel the energy of this very special date.

February 22nd 2022 (yes it's a TWOSday too) is a powerful day for creating miracles.

Numbers are vibrational entities that bring in specific energies.

When we see Master Numbers (like 22) the energy is magnified.

When we have 6 of them in a date ... that's AMPLIFICATION plus plus plus ...

Let's take a quick look at just some of the energies in play:


22 is a Master Number that aligns us with the "Master Builder" codes.
It's about bringing the New Earth Vision (11) into being.

222s in Angel Numbers remind us to "keep the faith" as our dreams are coming into manifestation.

2022 is a 6 year - a year of balance, harmony, peace and healing.

We have SIX twos on this magical date.

2 in the tarot is the number of the HIGH PRIESTESS (the 2 is a beautiful Divine Feminine code)

On 22/2/2022 (2/22/2022) the USA has...

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A Big Week of Libra - Love, Justice and Liberty

Hello Dear Friend,

Well it's another biiiiig week in the Cosmos and (wow) we're seeing so much happening here on the Earth Plane to reflect the transformational times we are in.

Disclosures, corruption reveals, whistleblowers ... and the disruptive Social Media outages. 

The scales are rebalancing in a massive way as the Libran energy infuses our planet.

The good news is the old is being revealed to be healed ... making way for new patterns to emerge ...  and this is a week when we can make the most of the incredible potentials opening to us now.


On a cosmic level the events look something like this:

October 5th:
11 Master Day (5+1+0+2+0+2+1=11)

October 6th:
New Moon in Libra and Pluto Direct with Libra Stellium (Sun, Moon, Mars)

October 9th:
Pluto/Eris Square and Libra Stellium (Sun, Mars and Mercury)

October 10th:
10/10 Gateway and Saturn Direct

Not to mention we are receiving huge measurable influxes of energy ... take a look here (...

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