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Recorded as the 11:11 Wave began on 11/11 2021.
You can play or download it here.
Please JOIN ME for this very special 11/11 Event
Every year the 11/11 Portal is a massive opening to New Beginnings.
This year the energies are more powerful than any we've experienced before as the frequencies on Earth continue to rise.
THIS 11/11 is also a "9" energy date (1+1+1+1+5=9) which means we are focused on the completion of major earth cycles too.
It's time to release the old and leap excitedly into the New.
On 11/11 we're reminded to be aware of where we are placing our focus.
What are WE creating individually and collectively ?
On this day a powerful 11:11 Wave of Intention sweeps the planet too as the numbers catch the attention of humanity.
We'll be tapping into this wave at 11 past the hour.
Will you join us ?
In this 90 minute session we'll also talk about the energies of the day, of 2021 and the shift of consciousness we are experiencing.
If you can't make it LIVE there will be a recording ... you'll need to register to receive this !
In 2021 it's all about the Cycles of Time.
Beginnings and Endings.
July 25th brings a very special day ... the Day out of Time.
A Day of high potential ... positioned just after the Full Moon on the 24th and just before the Galactic New Year on the 26th.
This is a powerful time to work with the void space to create momentum for the coming galactic year.
To connect in to the Day Out of Time energies please join me and a wonderful resonant group at on Sunday July 25th at:
10am Singapore
12noon Melbourne/Sydney
7pm Pacific (Saturday 24th)
The Mayan/Galactic ‘day out of time’ is the last day of the galactic year in the Mayan calendar. 13 moon cycles of 28 days = 364 days and the the extra day, the 365th day, is called the ‘day out of time’.
This ‘free day’ re-aligns the 13 Moon calendar and solar year and connects us to the energies of the zero point of unlimited potential.
Are you ready to learn more about these cycles of time,...
What a special time this is - a massive frequency shift happened on the December 2020 Solstice - and the beginning of 2021 has brought waves of transformation.
This Equinox is when we begin to harvest the powerful seeds we've been planting over the past few months. Many are saying this is the true beginning to 2021.
As we gather in the Equinox window it will be Sunday 21st in many places (also a 3/3 Gateway and an 11 Master Day).
That's because it's the 21st (2+1=3) and March is a 3 month.
Then 2+1+3+2+0+2+1 = 11
This makes it an extremely potent manifesting gateway.
33 brings the energy of Christ Consciousness into the mix ... as we step more fully into our divine mastery.
Are you ready ?
We're so powerful when we gather as a group - and it always feels so good. Let's do this !
We're meeting on Sunday 21st March at:
10am Singapore/Perth
1pm Melbourne/Sydney
7pm Pacific (Saturday 20th March)
In this 90 minute zoom session we'll also be talking about the...
Let’s gather on January 10th (9th in USA/Canada) – just before the first New Moon of the Year – to set our energy and intentions for 2021.
January 10th carries 1/1 energy (1+0=1) so we’ll use this gateway date to open to the new possibilities of this special year.
Everything has shifted since the Solstice on December 21st 2020.
What is possible for you NOW ?
This is going to be a powerful and fun event with a high vibrational group.
In this 90 minute zoom video session we’ll also be talking about what happened in December 2020 … what has occurred since ... and what’s coming up in 2021.
If you've been feeling unsettled, our group alignment will bring into a space of peace and possibility.
And from this space we'll expand our vision to plant seeds of the highest potential for this new level of energy.
Feeling it ? Please join us.
If you can’t make it LIVE there will be a recording too.
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