We are the Ones we have been Waiting For
This is the Time we have been Waiting For
It's TIME to reconnect with your Ancient Roots while learning some Practical Tools for this time.
If you're ready for the next step/leap of your spiritual journey
If you feel a deep connection with our Motherland Lemuria
If you'd like to ride these waves of change with some leading edge tools
If you're open to calling in some beautiful Manifestations
This series is for you.
Living Light - Lemuria brings together what I feel are two of the most important teachings for this time.
An awareness of your lightbody
(and how to work with it in these energies).
Knowledge/Remembrance of Ancient Lemuria ...
that we can carry into the future.
Let's talk about your Lightbody first.
I truly believe when we're ready to take your next step on the Ascension/Spiritual path ... connection to our lightbody/merkabah is key ... it's the direction in which we are heading as a species.
This awareness takes everything to the next level.
Maybe you've been hearing a lot about lightbody lately ?
I've been teaching the Living Light lightbody series for many years now (perhaps you've even taken a class ... thank you so much).
The way I teach it is simple but powerful ... and practical too.
This teaching fits beautifully around any other modalities you are working with ... and takes you beyond "healing" and into Ascension/Renewal.
Lately in my courses we've also been doing some more embodied work which involves the endocrine/nervous systems ... and the exciting new science of PLASMA. Such excitement around the new discoveries and how it all fits together.
Ahas abound.
You'll love it !!
Working with your lightbody can really help you integrate the wild energies we are receiving at this time too. It's a gamechanger.
The very expansive, mystical and joyful component of THIS course is the "Lemurian" aspect.
Of course many of us have a strong connection to the land that existed before that time. Before Atlantis.
Our Motherland ... Lemuria.
Even if this information is new to you ... you'll feel this connection in your soul.
We have so much to learn and remember about this Golden Age on Earth (returning now)... and yes there's also a huge connection to our lightbody here too. We carry the memories with us and it's time to activate them now.
Some even call our evolving New Earth ... New Lemuria.
Given all of this ... AND the sudden shift in the collective consciousness ... I believe that's why it's time for Living Light - Lemuria - yes right NOW.
Lemuria came into my consciousness in magical ways back in 2006 and has been with me ever since. I had a profound memory ... and an experience of the energies that I've been able to access since that time. I believe this is what comes through in many of my meditations.
Teaching about Lemuria - and finding our Lemurian Family is a part of my soul mission. I'm so thrilled we have found one another ... and excited to share this next step with you if it resonates.
Expect a magical and exciting ... yet practical ... experience.
You'll be learning/remembering so much about the Ancient times ... while accessing gifts and tools to aid in this now moment.
We'll be going back to lightbody basics ... and bringing everyone up to speed quickly. So this series is suitable for ALL who feel called to attend.
Of course there will be a focus on the alchemy of embodiment too ... and integrating the upgrades that are possible for us right now.
We'll be absolutely guided by the energies as we go ... and will be journeying through the Eclipses and Equinox together. This feels HUGE.
As always you can attend the sessions LIVE or listen in via the recordings at your own pace. .
The series will run in two timezones (join/watch either or switch around week to week).
The Possible times for you are:
Singapore (Thursdays 9am or Mondays 4pm)
Australia (Thursdays 11am or Mondays 6pm)
UK/Europe (Mondays 9am UK time)
USA/Canada (Wednesdays 6pm Pacific)
Here's the timetable and what we will most likely be covering each week.
Week 1
Introduction - The Zero Point
Timezone One
Weds/Thurs September 11th/12th
9am Singapore (Thursday)
11am Melbourne/Sydney (Thursday)
6pm Pacific (Wednesday)
Timezone Two
Monday September 16th
9am UK
4pm Singapore
6pm Melbourne/Sydney
Week 2
Lightbody Basics +
The Lemurian Story
Timezone One
Weds/Thurs September 18th/19th
9am Singapore (Thursday)
11am Melbourne/Sydney (Thursday)
6pm Pacific (Wednesday)
Timezone Two
Monday September 23rd
9am UK
4pm Singapore
6pm Melbourne/Sydney
Week 3
Your Lightbody in Everyday Life +
Your Lemurian Lightbody
Timezone One
Weds/Thurs September 25th/26th
9am Singapore (Thursday)
11am Melbourne/Sydney (Thursday)
6pm Pacific (Wednesday)
Timezone Two
Monday September 30th
9am UK
4pm Singapore
6pm Melbourne/Sydney
Week 4
Physical Body and Lightbody Alchemy +
Lemurian Renewal Secrets
Timezone One
Weds/Thurs October 2nd/3rd
9am Singapore (Thursday)
11am Melbourne/Sydney (Thursday)
6pm Pacific (Wednesday)
Timezone Two
Monday October 7th
9am UK
4pm Singapore
6pm Melbourne/Sydney
Week 5
Plasma and the Lightbody +
The Sacred Waters of Lemuria
Timezone One
Weds/Thurs October 9th/10th
9am Singapore (Thursday)
11am Melbourne/Sydney (Thursday)
6pm Pacific (Wednesday)
Timezone Two
Monday October 14th
9am UK
4pm Singapore
6pm Melbourne/Sydney
The group that is forming is wonderful. We just need YOU :)
Please let me know if any questions at all ... it would be so lovely to hear from you ... and if it's right ... to welcome you into this series.
If you are planning on joining the Euro timezone please contact me before registering as we are changing some of the days.
Your Energy Exchange is just
$249 USD
After September 16th the Price increases to $249
Julie Ann is a highly experienced Energy Healer, Workshop Facilitator and Meditation Leader ... with a focus on the Ascension/Embodiment Process. Julie has created a range of trainings in Lightbody Activation (The Living Light Series), Law of Attraction, Embodiment and Ascension Awareness. She is most recently the Founder of the New Energy Mastery/Mystery School.
Around 20 years Julie had a profound experience and deep remembrance of Ancient Lemuria. The energies she experienced have since informed her teachings and can be felt in her meditations and offerings.
Julie is known for her ability to connect dots, merge Spirituality and Science ... and to teach complex topics in an accessible way.
Many of my updates are via email only so make sure you're on "the list". As well as planetary/energy information I offer lots of free meditations via the newsletters. In fact you'll get one when you sign up now :)
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