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An 8/8 Lion's Gate Journey

Please join me and the amazing Elaine Victoria Yang for the PEAK of the Lion’s Gate Portal.

The Lion’s Gate opens on July 26th and Peaks on 8/8.

THIS year is ultra powerful as we have shifted so very much over the past 12 Months.

Even the past few weeks have brought a node shift, powerful retrogrades and a rise in solar energies. It's an exciting time indeed.

8/8/2023 is also a potent 23/23  Date ... (8+8+2+0+2+3=23 and it's a '23 year).

What an amazing day for anchoring our New Earth Destiny.

No doubt you can feel the energies building for this one.

You’re invited to gather with a beautiful group online to connect with this amazing gateway and anchor the light that will be flowing.

Let's make the most of those abundant 8s !

Elaine and I have teamed up for MANY previous Lion's gates and we can't wait to connect with you for this one.

Elaine will be playing her magical Crystal Singing Bowls and Chimes while I lead a powerful...

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The 8/8 Lion's Gate PEAK

Please join me and the amazing Elaine Victoria Yang (of Reiki Glow) for the PEAK of the Lion’s Gate Portal.

The Lion’s Gate opened on July 26th and Peaks on 8/8.

This year is is so powerful as the Lion's Gate also includes the powerful Uranus/Mars/North-Node-of-Destiny conjunction.


8/8/2022 is also a 22 Master Date ... (8+8+2+0+2+2=22) ... an amazing day for anchoring New Earth Manifestations.

No doubt you can feel the energies building for this one.

You’re invited to gather with a beautiful group online to connect with this amazing gateway and anchor the light that will be flowing.

Let's make the most of those abundant 8s !

Elaine and I have teamed up for previous Lion's gates and we can't wait to connect with you for this one.

Elaine will be playing her magical Crystal Singing Bowls while I lead a powerful Lion’s Gate Meditation. We’ll also get plenty of time to talk about the meaning and energies of the day...

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The 8/8 Lion's Gate Event

Please join me and the amazing Elaine Victoria Yang (of Reiki Glow) for the PEAK of the Lion’s Gate Portal.

The Lion’s Gate opened on July 26th and Peaks on 8/8. This year there’s also a New Moon on the 8/8 date.

What a Portal !!

It falls between two Aquarian Full Moons (once in a blue moon stuff) and is the first Lion’s Gate Peak since the huge shift we experienced at the end of 2020.

No doubt you can feel the energies building for this one.

You’re invited to gather with a beautiful group online to connect with this amazing gateway and anchor the light that will be flowing.

Let's make the most of those abundant 8s !

Elaine and I have teamed up for previous Lion's gates and we can't wait to connect with you for this one.

Elaine will be playing her magical Crystal Singing Bowls while I lead a powerful Lion’s Gate Meditation. We’ll also get plenty of time to talk about the meaning and energies of the day … and so...

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