Events, Updates and Articles
Please join me and Rie Komiya for this very special 90 minute session – only offered online.
It’s such an exciting time on our planet with the ever expanding energies and new potentials.
The end of 2023 promises to be magical as we anchor more and more light and new creations.
As we move into October we activate the energy of co-creative new beginnings.
10 is a beautiful number that begins a new cycle (1+0=1) but this time we bring all the wisdom of the last cycle with us as we spiral upward in our evolution. The 0 brings in the energy of Source … the Zero Point of all creation.
10/10 is therefore a powerful manifesting portal and this year more than ever as it leads into a transformational Solar Eclipse on the 14th.
As we can feel … powerful frequencies are building every day now … let’s make the most of them.
We have the opportunity to create Quantum change in our own lives … while we work together to manifest...
Please join me and Rie Komiya for this very special 90 minute session – only offered online.
It’s such an exciting time on our planet with the ever expanding energies and new potentials.
The end of 2022 promises to be magical as we anchor more and more light and new creations.
As we move into October we activate the energy of co-creative new beginnings.
10 is a beautiful number that begins a new cycle (1+0=1) but this time we bring all the wisdom of the last cycle with us as we spiral upward in our evolution. The 0 brings in the energy of Source … the Zero Point of all creation.
10/10 is therefore a powerful manifesting portal and this year more than ever. This year it coincides with a Full Moon in Aries too … super potent.
As we can feel … powerful frequencies are building every day now … let’s make the most of them.
We have the opportunity to create Quantum change in our own lives … while we work...
Please join me and the amazing Elaine Victoria Yang for this very special session - only offered online.
Every year we celebrate TWO Equinoxes ... powerful times to gather for meditation and manifestation.
Now that we are moving into the Age of Aquarius the Equinoxes are coming into focus as they are also the markers of that passage ... known as the precession of the Equinoxes.
It's a time of year when expanded energies arrive onto our planet via the "Equinox Cracks" in the magnetosphere. As we are already receiving a massive amount of light through solar flares/storms this year it's extremely powerful.
During this Equinox we're meeting for the very PEAK ... at the moment of Pure Alignment.
An amazing time to bring in harmony/balance and a beautiful time to harvest our creations (ie bring in abundance).
You’re invited to gather with a beautiful group online to connect with this long-honoured sacred day and anchor the light that will be flowing....
Please join me and the amazing Elaine Victoria Yang (of Reiki Glow) for the PEAK of the Lion’s Gate Portal.
The Lion’s Gate opened on July 26th and Peaks on 8/8.
This year is is so powerful as the Lion's Gate also includes the powerful Uranus/Mars/North-Node-of-Destiny conjunction.
8/8/2022 is also a 22 Master Date ... (8+8+2+0+2+2=22) ... an amazing day for anchoring New Earth Manifestations.
No doubt you can feel the energies building for this one.
You’re invited to gather with a beautiful group online to connect with this amazing gateway and anchor the light that will be flowing.
Let's make the most of those abundant 8s !
Elaine and I have teamed up for previous Lion's gates and we can't wait to connect with you for this one.
Elaine will be playing her magical Crystal Singing Bowls while I lead a powerful Lion’s Gate Meditation. We’ll also get plenty of time to talk about the meaning and energies of the day...
Please join me and the beautiful Rie Komiya for this very special session – only offered online.
It’s such an exciting time on our planet with the ever expanding energies and new potentials. The second part of 2022 promises to be magical as we anchor more and more light and new creations.
The Galactic New Year begins a new planetary cycle as heralded by the heliacal rising of the Blue Star Sirius (our spiritual sun). This was how the Ancients marked the passing of the years … when Sirius would rise over the pyramids in perfect Alignment.
These days (based on the Galactic/Mayan calendar) we celebrate the Galactic New Year on July 26th. The Day before is the known as the “Day Out of Time” … a powerful zero point portal of potential.
These are wonderful days to set energy and intentions for the year ahead … with the added guidance and support from the Galactic Realms.
This is also a beautiful opening into the...
Please join me and the wonderful Elaine Victoria Yang for this very special session – only offered online.
What an amazing opportunity to gather for the June Solstice turning point.
We’ll actually be ONLINE together for the Solstice Peak … such a moment of power.
THIS June is the 6th Month of a 6 energy year (2+0+2+2=6). A Month for Manifesting our dreams.
And the June Solstice (always a powerful time) is super powered after the huge shifts we’ve experienced this year.
To add the the energy the planets are aligned in ways not seen for decades. It is said this planetary line-up is transmitting a “tone” throughout the galaxy (how perfect that we’ll be tapping into this transmission via the sound frequencies of Elaine’s crystal bowls).
Elaine and I have facilitated many events together and are so excited for this one. I'll be...
Please join me and the amazing Rie Komiya for this very special mini-retreat – only offered online.
You have no doubt been feeling the new level of light flowing to our planet of the past couple of weeks. The Sun has been extremely active and we are often integrating many Solar Flares in a single day.
It’s getting more and more important to take the precious time to allow your body to acclimatise to these new higher frequencies.
We’re also building up to a New Moon Solar Eclipse on April 30th … a Powerful time for Renewal and Rebirth.
This partial retreat most likely won't be visible in your region... but in any case we have been guided to gather BEFORE the Eclipse for this very special mini-retreat.
We’ll be in the potent energies of the “dark moon” … the ultimate time to plant seeds for the future … and given the power of THIS New Moon you’ll want to make the most of it.
About the...
Please join me and the amazing Elaine Victoria Yang for this very special gathering - only offered online.
WOW oh WOW can you feel the energy of this very special date.
February 22nd 2022 (yes it's a TWOSday too) is a powerful day for creating miracles.
Numbers are vibrational entities that bring in specific energies.
When we see Master Numbers (like 22) the energy is magnified.
When we have 6 of them in a date ... that's AMPLIFICATION plus plus plus ...
Let's take a quick look at just some of the energies in play:
22 is a Master Number that aligns us with the "Master Builder" codes.
It's about bringing the New Earth Vision (11) into being.
222s in Angel Numbers remind us to "keep the faith" as our dreams are coming into manifestation.
2022 is a 6 year - a year of balance, harmony, peace and healing.
We have SIX twos on this magical date.
2 in the tarot is the number of the HIGH PRIESTESS (the 2 is a beautiful Divine Feminine code)
On 22/2/2022 (2/22/2022) the USA has...
Please join me and the amazing Elaine Victoria Yang (of Reiki Glow) for another wonderful online event.
This time we're gathering for the Equinox ... always a powerful gateway but even more so in 2021.
We celebrate two Equinoxes every year of course, but THIS year the celestial events are so much more powerful.
This Equinox comes after an incredibly potent Lion's Gate portal and unprecedented levels of solar and magnetic activity.
At this time we get an opportunity to focus on Balance and Unity. Soooo needed on our planet right now don't you agree ?
As the Light and Dark on our planet are in equal amounts there's a return to harmony.
There's also an opportunity to receive more cosmic downloads of light onto our planet through the phenomenon known as the "Equinox Cracks". They are open NOW ... just take a look at the beautiful Auroras we are seeing.
No doubt you can feeeeeel the energies building for this one.
You’re invited to gather with a beautiful group online...
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