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Alignment 2024 - Let's Align and Create Together

Wow ... we made it.

The time so many have been waiting for ... promising profound shifts on so many levels. After a reality-changing Solstice we're heading into a VERY New year.

2024 is a magical "8" year that brings some long awaited planetary alignments.

And January is quite the powerful month ... lots of cool repeating number codes and the big shift of Pluto back into Aquarius (Age of Aquarius here we come).

SO MUCH POTENTIAL is literally in the AIR.

There's also the energy of the number 1. All month LONG. New Beginnings abound.

Every year (as you may know) I run a live version of my proven Alignment process to begin the New Year  ... an amazing way to begin ANY year but especially THIS one. What's different about this process is that you'll learn a lot about what is really happening on our ascending planet right now ... as you experience the shifts and  AHAs in your own life.

So ... you're invited to join me and an amazing group of...

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