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Living Light 3 - Activation


Are you feeling the potential of this new unprecedented energies ... and wondering how best to make the most of them ?

Or perhaps you're feeling ready for a quantum leap in your Spiritual Journey.

Welcome to Living Light 3 - Activation.

Over the past few years I've run a lightbody awareness series called Living Light.

Levels 1 and 2 have been offered several times ... and now (somewhat surprisingly but most excitingly to me) it's time for Level 3 !!

If you haven't done Level 1 or 2 ... but you've done lots of other energy work I believe you'll love Level 3.

In other words if these words are resonating then trust that this calling is for you. ...and yes we'll integrate the basics of Level 1 and 2 in our first weeks as we add the new information :)

Let me tell you a bit more ...

As indicated ... I was not expecting there to be a Living Light Level 3. Not that I wasn't "expecting" it exactly ... more that it never even crossed my mind.

But when it...

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