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Living Light 3 - Activation


Are you feeling the potential of this new unprecedented energies ... and wondering how best to make the most of them ?

Or perhaps you're feeling ready for a quantum leap in your Spiritual Journey.

Welcome to Living Light 3 - Activation.

Over the past few years I've run a lightbody awareness series called Living Light.

Levels 1 and 2 have been offered several times ... and now (somewhat surprisingly but most excitingly to me) it's time for Level 3 !!

If you haven't done Level 1 or 2 ... but you've done lots of other energy work I believe you'll love Level 3.

In other words if these words are resonating then trust that this calling is for you. ...and yes we'll integrate the basics of Level 1 and 2 in our first weeks as we add the new information :)

Let me tell you a bit more ...

As indicated ... I was not expecting there to be a Living Light Level 3. Not that I wasn't "expecting" it exactly ... more that it never even crossed my mind.

But when it...

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The Living Light Workshop Series 2022

You may have been hearing a lot talk about the Lightbody (also known as the Merkabah or Torus) field.

As the Solar and Ascension energies ramp up, working consciously with your Lightbody will be of huge benefit to you.

Your Lightbody (the field of light that surrounds you) is a part of you that is always with you. It has traveled with you through lifetimes.

Now it’s time for you and your lightbody to reconnect more consciously as it is a pivotal part of your Ascension process.

There are so many practical benefits to doing this … it will:

help you ride and integrate the energy waves we are now experiencing

connect you with your guidance

boost your manifesting power, and

support you to walk through the world carrying a higher vibration day in, day out.


If you are a healer, teacher or coach, a reconnection with your lightbody will boost your ability to hold sacred space for your clients and students.

If you are working in an organisation you can use the alchemical...

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The Living Light Workshop Series

You may have been hearing a lot talk about the Lightbody (also known as the Merkabah or Torus) field.

Your lightbody (the field of light that surrounds you) is a part of you that is always with you. It has traveled with you through lifetimes.

Now it’s time for you and your lightbody to reconnect more consciously as it is a pivotal part of your Ascension process.

There are so many practical benefits to doing this … it will:

help you ride and integrate the energy waves we are now experiencing

connect you with your guidance

boost your manifesting power, and

support you to walk through the world carrying a higher vibration day in, day out.


If you are a healer, teacher or coach, a reconnection with your lightbody will boost your ability to hold sacred space for your clients and students.

If you are working in an organisation you can use the alchemical techniques to create positive influence and change.

And you will notice shifts in your relationships and homelife too....

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