Events, Updates and Articles
Please join me for a beautiful free Meditation at this very special time.
Not only will we be welcoming the Equinox ... but we'll also be anticipating a major shift in our cosmos as Pluto moves into Aquarius for the first time in over 200 years.
We'll be holding an energy of Peace and Balance for our planet ... and for ourselves.
The energies building to this Equinox are intensely powerful and it will be so good to be together ... it's always beautiful to receive/create as a group.
We're meeting on Tues/Wed 21st/22nd March at:
10am Singapore time (Wednesday 22nd)
1pm Melbourne/Sydney (Wednesday 22nd)
7pm Pacific (Tuesday 21st)
... right between the Equinox and the Pluto event. We'll also be right IN the energies of the New Moon at zero degrees Aries.
New New New Beginnings !!!!!!!!!
This 60 minute session will include:
5 mins informal chat and check-in (not recorded)
15 mins lead-in and energy update
25 mins meditation
15 mins...
THE RECORDING is now AVAILABLE for instant access here.
For all those who’ve been wanting to do a Jin Shin Jyutsu energy healing class – this could be your chance.
I'm so excited to be offering an online “mini-workshop” … with an emphasis on the specific aspects of JSJ that can help at this time … balance, calmness, wellbeing, ascension, immunity, “detoxing” … and recalibrating to the higher energies that are now flowing to the planet.
This is also perfect for you if you’ve done a class before and would love a refresher and a chance to focus on particular tools for these changing times.
As always it’s also a great opportunity to be in a group energy experience and receive the healing and balancing frequencies of that always flow when we gather.
Sound good ?
Then please join me on Friday 24th/Saturday 25th February
(depending on your timezone) at:
6pm Pacific (Friday 24th)
Please join me and the amazing Elaine Victoria Yang for this very special gathering - only offered online.
WOW oh WOW can you feel the energy of this very special date.
February 22nd 2022 (yes it's a TWOSday too) is a powerful day for creating miracles.
Numbers are vibrational entities that bring in specific energies.
When we see Master Numbers (like 22) the energy is magnified.
When we have 6 of them in a date ... that's AMPLIFICATION plus plus plus ...
Let's take a quick look at just some of the energies in play:
22 is a Master Number that aligns us with the "Master Builder" codes.
It's about bringing the New Earth Vision (11) into being.
222s in Angel Numbers remind us to "keep the faith" as our dreams are coming into manifestation.
2022 is a 6 year - a year of balance, harmony, peace and healing.
We have SIX twos on this magical date.
2 in the tarot is the number of the HIGH PRIESTESS (the 2 is a beautiful Divine Feminine code)
On 22/2/2022 (2/22/2022) the USA has...
For all those who've been wanting to do a Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) energy healing class - this could be your chance.
I'm offering a 3 hour online "mini-workshop" ... with an emphasis on the specific aspects of JSJ that can help at this time ... balance, calmness, wellbeing, immunity, "detoxing medications" ... and recalibrating to the higher energies that are now flowing to the planet.
Wonderful for newbies and also perfect for you if you've done a class before and would love a refresher and a chance to focus on particular tools for these changing times.
As always it's also a great opportunity to be in a group energy experience and receive the healing and balancing frequencies of that always flow when we gather.
Sound good ?
Then please join me at:
10am on Saturday 30th October (Singapore time)
1pm Saturday 30th October (Melbourne/Sydney)
7pm Friday 29th October (Pacific)
and experience this beautiful hands-on energy healing modality.
We'll create a powerful...
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