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EQUINOX !! - And it's just the Beginning ...

It's Equinox Day (hooray) ... and in just a few hours from now we'll be experiencing the peak "zero point" all over the planet ... TOGETHER.

Every year this is an exciting time of new beginnings as the March Equinox brings in the Astrological New Year at 00 Degrees of Aries (the first Zodiac sign) ... and "as one" in unity the whole globe experiences a balance of equal light and dark.

The Sacred Equinoxes have long pointed the way for the ancients to chart the passing of the "ages" as the "Precession of the Equinoxes" moves through each constellation for around 2000 years. Right now we are shifting between Pisces and Aquarius ... slowly but surely entering the long prophesied Aquarian Age.

Equinoxes also bring powerful zero points of stillness and harmony ... and the opportunity to birth new creations.

This year is even more potent as the Equinox is happening in this "11 gateway" month of March 2024 (3+2+0+2+4=11).

And that's just the beginning of the...

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SOLSTICE - The Event !!!

Please join me and the amaaaaazing Elaine Victoria Yang for this very special online session.

The Solstice is a time of MAXIMUM POTENTIAL LIGHT for one hemisphere (and spiritually for all).

A turning point of seasons and cycles ... and in this amazing year of change these ceremonial days are even more impactful.

THIS Solstice follows a sequence of powerful planetary and energetic shifts. Some are saying humanity will reach a critical mass or tipping point on this day.

The earth's leylines will be pulsing with energy and we will make the most of this time.

Elaine and I love to connect for these sacred dates ... and as always you're so welcome to be a part of this special gathering.

Elaine will be playing her magical Crystal Singing Bowls while I lead a powerful Solstice Meditation. We’ll also get plenty of time to talk about the meaning and energies of the day … and so much more.


We're meeting on Wednesday 21st June at:

10am London

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