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SOLSTICE - The Event !!!

Please join me and the amaaaaazing Elaine Victoria Yang for this very special online session.

The Solstice is a time of MAXIMUM POTENTIAL LIGHT for one hemisphere (and spiritually for all).

A turning point of seasons and cycles ... and in this amazing year of change these ceremonial days are even more impactful.

THIS Solstice follows a sequence of powerful planetary and energetic shifts. Some are saying humanity will reach a critical mass or tipping point on this day.

The earth's leylines will be pulsing with energy and we will make the most of this time.

Elaine and I love to connect for these sacred dates ... and as always you're so welcome to be a part of this special gathering.

Elaine will be playing her magical Crystal Singing Bowls while I lead a powerful Solstice Meditation. We’ll also get plenty of time to talk about the meaning and energies of the day … and so much more.


We're meeting on Wednesday 21st June at:

10am London

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The Solstice BREAKTHROUGH Event

What a time we are in.

No doubt you are feeling it too ... huge shifts are playing out on our planet on all levels as we head into this pivotal Solstice.

In recent years the Solstices have brought massive transformation, as on this Sacred Day of ceremony and light so many around the planet gather with intention.

The Solstice is the moment when the "sun stands still" as it prepares for the change of seasons.

A time of maximum light in one hemisphere.

As we know, the ancients from all over the globe honored this day as evidenced by the positioning and building of Sacred Sites and Monuments.

More recently the December Solstices have come into our awareness due to some much heralded events.

TEN YEARS AGO (on the Solstice in 2012) a great shift occurred as the potential energies for a new Golden Age arrived. Remember this event was widely reported due to the Mayan Calendar which famously ended on this day. The end of a major earth cycle and the beginning of a new one ...

Over the past...

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A Very Special Solstice


Please join me and the wonderful Elaine Victoria Yang for this very special session – only offered online.

What an amazing opportunity to gather for the June Solstice turning point.

We’ll actually be ONLINE together for the Solstice Peak … such a moment of power.

THIS June is the 6th Month of a 6 energy year (2+0+2+2=6). A Month for Manifesting our dreams.

And the June Solstice (always a powerful time) is super powered after the huge shifts we’ve experienced this year.

To add the the energy the planets are aligned in ways not seen for decades. It is said this planetary line-up is transmitting a “tone” throughout the galaxy (how perfect that we’ll be tapping into this transmission via the sound frequencies of Elaine’s crystal bowls).

Elaine and I have facilitated many events together and are so excited for this one. I'll be...

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Celebrating the Solstice

Please join me for this very special gathering - only offered online.

Last year in  2020 an unprecedented alignment happened on the December Solstice - Jupiter and Saturn connected in a rare "Star of Bethlehem" formation in Aquarius.

The Age of Aquarius began as people all over the world gathered in to usher in this auspicious time.

Now here we are a year later.

And what a year it has been as our planet has received higher and higher frequencies.

Now it's time to Celebrate the 2021 Solstice - the day of maximum light.

21/12/21 (12/21/21) is also a 3/3/3 Gateway and an 11 Master Day.

Completing the bridge that opened on 12/12/21.

It's a time to anchor our heartfelt visions and dreams.

As many gather worldwide to honor this sacred day please join me and a beautiful resonant group for this special Solstice event (ONLINE only).

As well as experiencing the amazing energies ... in this 90 minute session we'll also be talking about the energies of 2021 and all that's...

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The Solstice Gateway Event

Can you believe it's SIX MONTHS since the amazing Solstice and Planetary Alignment of December 2021 ?

So much has happened since then, and as predicted by the Indigenous Elders the "heartbeat" of Mother Earth has shifted into a new higher frequency.

This Solstice has been preceded by two powerful Eclipses and a series of 555 Gateways throughout May. Building up to this powerful still point ...


The Solstice is a special day that honors the shift of seasons and the day of maximum (or minimum) daylight depending on which hemisphere you are in.

The Solstice was long revered by the ancients as a Sacred day, and many of the structures around the world were built or oriented to greet the Solstice sunrise.


The word Solstice itself translates to something like:

“the standing still of the sun.”


A turning point !



Please join me and a wonderful resonant group on Sunday/Monday 20th/21st

10.30am Singapore (21st)

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The Eclipse and Solstice

Hello dear one,

how are you feeling as we shift deeper into the powerful passageway that "opened" on 12/12 ?

Each day now will be helping to build the frequencies as we head towards the life-changing Solstice on the 21st.

Today's gift for us is the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius.

What a wonderful opportunity to release the old and seed the new in this high energy portal.

A Solar Eclipse is like a super magnified New Moon - a chance for a huuuuge reset.

It can feel intense as the energies build towards the peak, so if stuff has been coming up for you - you're not alone. It's what Eclipses do ...


"It’s possible, since eclipses bring to light what has been hidden, that you see a different perspective on a situation where you formerly were not able to see the whole picture.

Open your heart and mind to a new view that is beneficial and benevolent."

Tania Gabrielle


Just remember this IS a golden opportunity to create in these rarified energies. As Cassady...

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The time is nearly here - a time when Ancient Prophecy comes to life and the Stars (literally) Align*

Here comes the 2020 December 21st Solstice.

What a powerful opportunity for US to gather and add our energy to this transformational moment in history.

As the Solstice peaks we have the opportunity to receive and anchor an incredible and unprecedented amount of light.

So if you are feeling the call to be with a soul connected, aligned and resonant group for this once-in-lifetimes event you are so welcome to join us.

We're meeting via zoom at 8pm Melbourne/Sydney, 5pm Singapore, 9am London on the 21st December. More on this below.

I’ll be anchoring from here in Australia, and am so excited to connect with you all as we help radiate the energies all around the planet.

For the first hour we'll be learning about, and preparing for the main global ceremony (focused at Uluru, Central Australia) and making sure we are aligned and ready as a...

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The Starry Solstice Alignment

Many have been asking about this special alignment … so here’s a summary of many aspects that make it such an incredibly powerful day … I’ll be updating the information and adding some resonant links too.

If this information resonates you might also like to join me for The Solstice Event as we make the most of this rare opportunity and unprecedented moment in time.

Beautiful Image Credit: Bennymarty @


A Very Special Solstice

As you will have no doubt heard by now, on this coming Solstice December 21st 2020 we are going to experience a very special planetary event.

Even the mainstream media are reporting this Grand Conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn … which are auspiciously meeting at … zero degrees … AQUARIUS.

This is a long awaited sign of the age of Aquarius … appearing on this Sacred Solstice day at the end of one of the most transformational years we have ever...

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Path to Soulstice


As you probably know by now :) ... we’re heading for a very special crescendo on December 21st when we not only celebrate the Solstice, but also the Grand Conjunction of two powerful planets – Jupiter and Saturn.

To make it even more exciting these two planets (which are meeting in a once-in-800 years event) are shifting into ZERO degrees AQUARIUS at that moment.


The age of Aquarius is arriving heralded by a bright star (conjunction) in our skies.


All of this is happening on the Solstice day of maximum light in the Southern Hemisphere (which includes Australia).

At the time of the conjunction there will be a powerful indigenous ceremony taking place at Uluru (Central Australia) - the solar plexus chakra of the earth - as incoming light is anchored and spread out through the songlines/leylines of the world. 

OUR mission on that day (should we choose to accept it) is to anchor this light all over the planet, to receive it for the earth, for...

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