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Alignment 11:11

This coming November is certainly "next level" in terms of the Energies, Astrology, Numerology ... and World Events.

The "11" month is ushering in a time of prophecy and a New Earth Cycle as transformational Pluto shifts into (the age of) AQUARIUS for the coming decades.

It's all about NEW Beginnings ... so let's harness that momentum and Align with the rapidly Ascending Timeline.

The cosmic events we've already moved through in 2024 have set the scene for this potent 11:11 Gateway Month.

Are you ready to make the most of it ?

A couple of times a year (as you may know) I run a live version of my proven Alignment process. What's different about this process is that you'll learn a lot about what is really happening on our ascending planet right now ... as you experience beautiful shifts and powerful AHAs in your own life.


If you've been wanting to start, restart or uplevel
a daily alignment/meditation/manifestation practice
that is designed for these changing...

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The 11/11/22 Gateway Event

What a time we are in.

I know you are feeling it too ... huge shifts are playing out on our planet on all levels.

Every year the 11/11 Gateway is a monumental opportunity for Unity and Manifestation  ... and THIS year 11/11/22 brings Quantum Potentials.

11 is the number of highest vision ... while 22 is a code for anchoring that vision into our reality.

Each year on 11/11 the 11:11 Wave travels the planet for almost 2 days ... moving through timezones all around the planet.

It's a wonderful time to Connect with a Global Group and Anchor the Light,

This year we're meeting online at:

10am Singapore/Bali (Sat 12th)
1pm Melbourne/Sydney (Sat 12th )
6pm Pacific (Fri 11/11)

So although we will be meeting on 11/11 in some timezones and it will be the  12th in others ...  the  11/11 Portal will still be OPEN.

Also .... the 12th is an 11 Master Day because:

1+2+1+1+2+0+2+2 = 11

Oooh Goosebumps.

What a wonderful opportunity to anchor the energies and CREATE...

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Alignment 11:11 2022 - An Online Journey

I'm so excited to be offering a LIVE Alignment Journey beginning on November 1st 2022 (a powerful 111/222 date).

If you haven't done an Alignment Journey wth me before ... it's a great way to get/keep a daily practice going. If you have done one I'd love to welcome you back.

You'll receive a daily email and access to a range of high vibe meditations and tools. There's also accountability support (and even prizes) in our Alignment Portal facebook group if you choose to join.

There's never been a more important time to ALIGN as we anticipate new and higher frequencies in the coming days as well as:

 111/222 codes on November 1st and 10th
A groundbreaking Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
The 11/11 Portal
11 Master Days
and more


Alignment 11:11 2022 is a LIVE journey which means I am sending the emails out daily to everyone at the same time. It will be worth signing up even for these updates alone as you'll get energy intel as we go.

But there's more.

You'll also get...

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Seeing Numbers ? - You're Not Alone

Do you “see” double or triple number sequences all of the time ? Maybe you are one of the many who sees “11:11” or perhaps there’s another combination that follows you around.

Here’s my story of “awakening by numbers” … I hope it helps shed some light on your own experience…

It all began on the 5th of May 2005. I was in South Australia attending the lead-up events for my brother’s wedding. We had hired a car and I remember noting that it was strange that our number plate ended in 555 and it was also 5/5/5! I had never taken much notice of such things before though I had a basic knowledge of numerology. It just seemed to be a cute coincidence.

We were having some fairly late nights celebrating with the happy couple, so you can imagine my surprise (and annoyance) when I started waking up at 5:55 on the dot every morning.

At first I thought it was the alarm clock, or some noise that was disturbing me, but it...

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