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The Day Out of Time and Lion's Gate Events

The Lion's Gate is about to OPEN and this year it peaks on a very special 888 Portal Date.

The Gate opens on July 26th as we also celebrate the Galactic/Mayan New Year.

The day before that (July 25th) ... which feels extra potent this year ... is the mystical "Day out of Time".

The Galactic year has 13 "28 Day Months" with a day left over at the end.

This "Day Out of Time" is an otherwordly portal for celebration reflection and integration. And for seeding the next year.

This year we complete not just a year ... but cycles within cycles. And begin a whole new Octave of creation.

To celebrate these portals I'm co-facilitating two very special events with two incredible Sound Goddesses. In such intensely energetic times it's so beneficial to be with a resonant group ... you are helping yourself while supporting the collective as we expand the light.


The Day Out of Time

and the

888 Lion's Gate Events

Please do join us for these TWO very special events.

If you'd...

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10/10 Expansion with Julie Ann and Rie

Please join me and Rie Komiya for this very special 90 minute session – only offered online.

It’s such an exciting time on our planet with the ever expanding energies and new potentials.

The end of 2023 promises to be magical as we anchor more and more light and new creations.

As we move into October we activate the energy of co-creative new beginnings.

10 is a beautiful number that begins a new cycle (1+0=1) but this time we bring all the wisdom of the last cycle with us as we spiral upward in our evolution. The 0 brings in the energy of Source … the Zero Point of all creation.

10/10 is therefore a powerful manifesting portal and this year more than ever as it leads into a transformational Solar Eclipse on the 14th.

As we can feel … powerful frequencies are building every day now … let’s make the most of them.

We have the opportunity to create Quantum change in our own lives … while we work together to manifest...

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The 777 Portal

Please join me  and the gorgeous Sound Goddess Rie Komiya for this very special session - only offered online.

It's such an exciting time on our planet with the ever expanding energies and new potentials.


July 7th is always a special (7/7) date but THIS year it's supercharged because we are in a "7" energy year.

2+0+2+3 = 7

so we are celebrating a 777 Portal.


7 is a powerful spiritual number. The shape of the digit itself represents the action of bringing "heaven to earth" (at the speed of lightning).

Due to that ...  7 is considered the number of miracles ... now TRIPLE that.

7 connects us to the 7th (Crown) Chakra ... and opens us to higher wisdom.

AND .... 7s are all around us ... days of the week, the musical scale, the colours of the rainbow ... etc.

But that's not all ...

Leading into this 777 Portal is a powerful full moon on the 3rd. We'll talk about that too :)

During this session we'll learn more about the importance of this time. The...

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The SIX Portal of Manifestation

As you may know, 2022 is a SIX energy year (2+0+2+2 = 6) ...

... 6 being the number of Healing, Peace, Balance .... AND Manifestation.

On the 6th day of the 6th month of this 6 year I recorded this workshop with the amazing Rie Komiya.

During the two hours we anchored some beautiful Manifestations with a powerful magnetic meditation and the Divine frequencies of Sound via Rie's Crystal Bowls, Vocals and Chimes.

We're moving through two more triple 6 portals on the 15th and 24th ... so if you'd like to access the recording it's now available immediately.


We're moving into higher and higher frequencies of light and potential now.

Let's make the most of this very special portals to CREATE the future of our dreams.


The energy exchange for the recording of very special event is $33 USD

For immeditate access please click here.




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