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And Now for the BIG Conjunction

Well here we go.

The second of the epic events of April 2024 is now occurring in our skies.

Following on from the Great Solar Eclipse we are now entering the influential sphere of another BIG alignment. This one you may not have heard as much about but in many ways it's even more significant than the Eclipse.


Jupiter and Uranus
are NOW
beginning their consciousness-expanding conjunction
in Taurus ...
with the peak moment happening over the weekend.


The Sun will soon move into Taurus too and we'll have all the elements for this moment Astrologers have long been waiting for.

How exciting to be experiencing it at last.

This is a QUANTUM event.

And a positive one !!!!!!!!!

Because of the influence of the great Awakener Uranus ... we can expect sudden shifts of consciousness which bring about new levels of understanding and remembrance.

That's pretty hard for our left brain to comprehend though so let's take a look at some "facts" and connections to help explain what we could...

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The Aquarian Energies ...

Hello again dear Friend,

How are you feeling as we head into a BIIIIIG weekend ?


Today one of the most powerful planetary movements of the decade is imminent ...

that being the shift of
transformational Pluto into 00 degrees AQUARIUS ...
conjuncting the Sun as it moves into Aquarius too.


This happens on the 20th or 21st depending on where you are located but for ALL of us the next 24 hours are a huge completion and preparation for this Grand Cosmic Moment.

Why is it such a big deal ?

Let's break it down a bit so we can make "sense" of it ... and then connect the the dots so we can get to the bigger picture.


The Pluto Transit

Being the furthest "planet" from the sun, Pluto has the longest transit time of 248 years.

That means it literally spends decades (mini eras really) in each sign. For example Pluto's journey through the preceding constellation of Capricorn began way back in 2008.

It popped into Aquarius for short couple of months in March 2023 (lots of rare...

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Blue Moon Breakthroughs and the Age of Aquarius

Hello dear friend,

On Sunday 22nd August we welcome a Full "Blue" Moon in Aquarius.

There's soooooo much to share about this powerful full moon and the current energies that I hardly know where to begin. But I'll do my best to break it all down for you.

Most likely you're feeling the energies strongly today. You could be feeling emotional, exhausted, flattened, spacey ... or wired. Or perhaps you're feeling AMAZING and renewed.

I know some of you are also experiencing outward expressions of the energies via fires, storms, earthquakes, lockdowns, loss of freedoms (or observing them on the global stage) etc. Sending love to you wherever you are and however this is playing out for you.

Hopefully this update will explain much - offer some hope - and also provide some ways to work with the frequency waves we're experiencing.

I'll begin by talking about the numerology and astrology of this lunation, then dive into the bigger cycle and what's been...

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